17 Birds with Mohawks (with Photos) - Bird Feeder Hub (2024)

Some birds have feathers that stick up from the top of their head like a mohawk. This is called a “crest”. Birds can use crests for many things, including attracting mates, communication and territory disputes. Thanks to natural selection and the birds’ adaptation to their environment, there are a multitude of crest shapes and sizes. Crests can be big or small, in the same color as surrounding feathers or in a totally different shade. It all depends on the species of bird!Keep reading to learn about 17 birds with mohawks.

17 Birds with Mohawks

We’ll start with some more familiar North American species, then branch out interesting birds from all over the world.

1. Northern Cardinal

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Scientific name: Cardinalis cardinalis

The Northern Cardinal is one of the most well-known songbirds in North America. From its cheerful chirps to its bright red feathers, it’s often one of the first birds nature enthusiasts learn to spot. Males are scarlet, while females are a brown with tinges of coral and red. Both males and females sport a triangle-shaped crest on top of their head.

Northern Cardinals will readily visit backyard birdfeeders, with sunflower being one of their favorite seeds. Visit here to learn more about attracting cardinals to your yard.

2. Tufted Titmouse

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Scientific name: Baeolophus bicolor

You’ll hear the gentle peter-peter-peter song of the Tufted Titmouse east of the Mississippi River. These gray and blue songbirds live year-round in the forests and woodlands of the eastern half of the United States. Males and females have the same plumage, sporting a small gray crest on top of their head.

Titmice are seed eaters who gladly visit bird feeders. They are often one of the first birds to find a feeder!

3. Pileated Woodpecker

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Scientific name: Dryocopus pileatus

Pileated Woodpeckers are hard to miss, as they are the largest species of woodpecker in North America. You’ll see them in the forests of the Eastern United States and through southern Canada and the Pacific Northwest. They can leave behind huge oval-shaped holes in tree trunks when searching for insects. Both males and females sport a large red mohawk.

While these large woodpeckers mainly stick to the woods, they occasionally visit bird feeders, especially during winter when they look for suet. But your feeder will have to be large enough to handle them!

4. Steller’s Jay

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Scientific name: Cyanocitta stelleri

The beautiful Steller’s Jay makes its home in coniferous mountain forests of the western United States, British Columbia and parts of Mexico. But you don’t have to climb a mountain to find one, as they are known to visit campgrounds, parks and even backyards within their range. Try attracting them with peanuts or other large nuts.

Males and females share the same coloring, a dark gray front half with dark blue wings and tail. They have a pretty significant gray crest that they can lift up or flatten down.

5. Cedar Waxwing

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Scientific name: Bombycilla cedrorum

The Cedar Waxwing is an elegant looking bird, with its soft colors and striking black eye mask. They live year-round in the northern half of the U.S., and visit the southern half during the winter months. While they do eat some insects, a large portion of their diet all year is fruit such as mulberry, dogwood, serviceberry and raspberries. The best way to attract these birds to your yard is by having some berry producing trees and shrubs.

Males and females have the same plumage, including a tawny brown crest. You’ll often see it “slicked back” with the longer feathers trailing behind their head. However they can fluff them up to make the crest more noticeable.

6. Great Crested Flycatcher

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Scientific name: Myiarchus crinitus

In the eastern half of the United States and parts of Canada, the Great Crested Flycatcher inhabits forests and woodlands during the spring and summer months where it searches for insects. They are common birds, however often hard to spot because they spend so much of their time high up in the tree canopy looking for insects.

Great Crested Flycatchers have a yellow belly, brown wings and a grayish-brown head. Their head crest isn’t particularly tall, but does give their head a signature “squared-off” look.

7. co*ckatiel

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Scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus

co*ckatiels are a species of parrot native to Australia. They’ve been domesticated for over a century and are popular pets. Their friendly nature and adaptability have lent them well to semi-domestication.

Both sexes have similar coloring – yellow, white, gray, and a red cheek spot – but males lose the gray chest feathers and replace them with bright yellow feathers.

co*ckatiels use their crests to communicate their moods and emotions. Much like the way a dog wags its tail when it is happy, a co*ckatiel will hold its crest flat but curved in the back when it feels outgoing.

8. Pyrrhuloxia

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Scientific name: Cardinalis sinuatus

The Pyrrhuloxia is related to the more widespread northern cardinal, but is only found in the hot deserts of the southwest. They have gray bodies, fat yellow beaks and red highlights. Males have red on the face and chest where females do not. Both sexes sport a shaggy crest of gray and red feathers.

While they are territorial during the breeding season, they will join together in the winter into huge flocks.

9. Wood Duck

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Scientific name: Aix sponsa

The Wood Duck is a waterfowl species with wide range across the United States and Canada. Populations live year-round in the East and Pacific Northwest. Other migratory populations spend the warm months in the Great Lakes region. They winter in the southern Great Plains and southwest.

Males and females look quite different. Males are very colorful and have the characteristic iridescent mohawk-like crest. Their bright red eye is impossible to miss.

10. Eurasian Hoopoe

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Scientific name: Upupa epops

The Eurasian Hoopoe has one of the most vibrant, three-dimensional crests of the birds on this list. They can fold their crest to give their head a long and pointed look, or fan it out into an impressive cinnamon mohawk with black tips. They live throughout Europe, Asia, Southern Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa. The hoope’s long bill and zebra-striped wings add to it’s unique appearance.

It gets its name from the call it makes, which sounds like hoo-poo-poo. They are notorious in both history and legend; ancient cultures’ art depicted the birds and used them to represent birth order in families.

11. Victoria crowned pigeon

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Scientific name: Goura Victoria

The blue-gray Victoria crowned pigeon is a native to the islands of New Guinea. It’s one of three species of crowned pigeons – these are pigeons with tall mohawk-like feathers on the crowns of their heads. They were named in memory of Queen Victoria of Britain.

Victoria crowned pigeons are kept by captive breeders and naturalists, but wild birds are shyer. They inhabit the forest floor, where they search for fallen fruit in large groups.

12. Red-whiskered Bulbul

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Scientific name: Pycnonotus jocosus

The fruit-eating Red-whiskered Bulbul is a native songbird to Asia. While they don’t really have whiskers, they are named for the small red patch behind their eye. These bulbuls live in tropical forests of the continent, where they fly amid the canopy eating fruit. They visit human settlements, especially domestic gardens and orchards.

You’re unlikely to see a red-whiskered bulbul in open spaces. They like to rest in thickets and dense stands of trees and shrubs.

13. Golden Pheasant

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Scientific name: Chrysolophus pictus

Like most ground-dwelling gamebirds, the male Golden Pheasant is the ornate one. He has many layers of feathers that can be puffed out and put on display, including a bright yellow mohawk. This bird lives in thickets and forests worldwide, although they are native to China.

Many exotic animal owners have golden pheasants as yard birds. They are a colorful addition to Zen gardens, hedgerows, and backyard farms. Like chickens, they prefer to roost above-ground at night. Some are kept for their eggs, much like chickens.

14. Crested Tit

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Scientific name: Lophophanes cristatus

The cute crested tit has a salt-and-pepper crest. While they appear quite similar to the U.S. Tufted Titmouse, these tit* are only found in northern Europe. Their body has a plain buffy-gray coloring, while the markings on their head are quite distinctive. Aside from their head crest, they have a white ring around their neck outlined in black, and a black triangle behind their eye.

During the fall and winter, they join flocks of other seed eating birds for forage.

15. Purple-crested Turaco

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Scientific name: Gallirex porphyreolophus

The Purple-crested Turaco is one of the most vibrantly colored birds on earth. They are a rainbow of green, indigo, red, and blue. Their crest is a mix of royal blue and indigo, and they have a delicate, parrot-like beak which they use to eat fruit.

They live in sub-Saharan Africa, where they forage in the wetter forests. Fruit is the primary component of their diet, and they are known for spreading seeds via their consumption of fruit.

16. Smew

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Scientific name: Mergellus albellus

The Smew is a Eurasian relative of the Goldeneye, another group of ducks which has populations in Europe and North America. Its appearance is unmistakable; birdwatchers coined the term ‘cracked ice’ to describe the color blocked white and black feathers of the male.

It’s easy to tell males and females apart. Females as well as juvenile birds of either sex have red-brown heads and grey feathers. However both sexes have a shaggy crest.

17. Sulphur-crested co*ckatoo

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Scientific name: Cacatua galerita

If you picture a co*ckatoo, an image of the Sulphur-crested co*ckatoo might be the first image that comes to mind. It is a large white bird with an impressive crescent-shaped yellow crest on the crown of its head. Their crests have a lot of mobility, being able to fan all the way out or fold completely down.

This bird is native to Australia and New Guinea. In Australia, they eat anything from fruit to tree seedlings to garbage.Some areas consider them pests and put in place nets and spikes to prevent them from nesting or destroying infrastructure. In other places, they are kept as pets. They’re not easy to take care of – they require many enrichment activities and a lot of socialization.

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Anna Lad

Anna is a wildlife biologist who graduated from Texas A&M in 2020. She enjoys feeding, studying, and taking photos of wild birds and hummingbirds. She once worked as the hummingbird department manager at a Wild Birds Unlimited store.

17 Birds with Mohawks (with Photos) - Bird Feeder Hub (2024)


What kind of birds have mohawks? ›

Northern Cardinals are perhaps the best-known bird with mohawk feathers on their heads. Males are a red bird with mohawk feathers, while a female is a brown bird with mohawk feathers.

What is a GREY and yellow bird with a mohawk? ›

The Grey Crowned Crane is the national bird of Uganda and has an extremely impressive, giant yellow mohawk. They have a dark grey body which contrasts with the pale grey neck, white forewings, a chestnut patch on the rear of the wings, and a yellow patch on the upper wings.

What bird has a tuft on its head? ›

Tufted Titmice are roughly 5.5"-6.3" from beak tip to tail with a wingspan of 7.9"-10.2". These birds are regular visitors to bird feeders, and can be a treat to watch, the tuft of feathers at the front of its head communicating much of its emotions and "attitude".

What is the big bird with a red mohawk? ›

The Pileated Woodpecker is one of the biggest, most striking forest birds on the continent. It's nearly the size of a crow, black with bold white stripes down the neck and a flaming-red crest.

What is a small blue GREY bird with a mohawk? ›

The active and agile Tufted Titmouse is easily recognized by its jaunty crest of gray feathers, big black eyes, and rust-colored flanks.

What is a small bird with a brown mohawk? ›

Tufted Titmouse

This rather tame, active, crested little bird is common all year in eastern forests, where its whistled peter-peter-peter song may be heard even during mid-winter thaws.

What is a white talking bird with a yellow mohawk? ›

The Sulphur-crested co*ckatoo is a large white parrot. It has a dark grey-black bill, a distinctive sulphur-yellow crest and a yellow wash on the underside of the wings.

What is a white and black bird with a red mohawk? ›

Pileated Woodpeckers are mostly black with white stripes on the face and neck and a flaming-red crest.

What does a female titmouse look like? ›

Male and female Tufted Titmice are identical in plumage – a black patch above the beak, a gray back, rusty flanks and a dull white breast. Their large eyes are surrounded by a white ring that reaches to their beak.

What is an all gray bird with a tufted head? ›

Juniper Titmouse Photos and Videos

Its long body and medium-long tail makes it appear bigger than it is. Drab gray above and paler below. Plain gray bird with a prominent black eye and a feisty tuft of feathers on its head.

What are the small birds with tufts? ›

That bird is the titmouse. More formally, we would refer to that perky tuft of feathers on their head as a crest.

What bird looks like a titmouse? ›

A titmouse may not be as recognizable as a chickadee, but the birds are related. It's easy to see the resemblance if you watch their behavior for a while. They have the same kind of active, acrobatic antics, flitting about the branches and hanging upside down from the ends of twigs as they search for insects.

What bird has a yellow mohawk? ›

Yellow-crested co*ckatoo

What is a little red bird with a mohawk? ›

Northern cardinal
Species:C. cardinalis
Binomial name
Cardinalis cardinalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
19 more rows

What is a red bird with a tuft on its head? ›

Paroaria coronata | red-crested cardinal.

What is a reddish bird with a mohawk? ›

The northern cardinal is a mid-sized perching songbird with a body length of 21–23 cm (8.3–9.1 in) and a crest on the top of the head.

Do all cardinals have mohawks? ›

Both the male and female birds rock a stylish Mohawk, called a crest, on their heads. Plus, they stay here all year, being a reliable neighbor visiting your feeder in the snow or on a sunny, warm day. Illinois loves cardinals so much they are our state bird!

What does it mean to see a Tufted Titmouse? ›

The Tufted Titmouse is a message that you may think that your contributions or abilities are mere, 'gifts' but they are impactful and empowering to so many that you may not yet be aware of. You spread hope and indemnify spiritual illnesses. Sometimes without even trying. You make a difference.

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