3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (2024)

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (1)

3 Ingredient Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe!If you are looking for an easy DIY mason jar gift idea, or you want to have an easy way to feed a sweet tooth chocolate craving, then you should try making this ridiculously easy mug cake mix! This has to be one of the easiest dessert recipes I have ever made!!

How to make cake in a mug?

Good news! This cake in a mug recipe is super easy! You only need three simple ingredients to make the mug cake mix. You will make enough cake mix for close to 100 mug cake servings! Add 3 tablespoons of the mix to a mug and then you literally just add two tablespoons of water, microwave for 1 minute, and you have an easy chocolate mug cake that will satisfy any chocoholics cravings.

Check out this 90 Second Easy Microwave Brownie in a Mug recipe that I made here which is similar. You could then taste test between the two and see which one you like better.

This chocolate mug cake is super easy because you can make the mix ahead of time. Then when you need a quick dessert for company, or just have a chocolate craving yourself, it is super easy to make the cake whenever you want!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (2)

Here is the List of Minimal Ingredients Needed for Your Chocolate Mug Cake:

  • 1 box of angel food cake mix
  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix
  • 1 bag of semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 16 oz mason jars for storage

Makes 3 1/2 jars, which will make approximately 10 mug cakes for each full jar of this chocolate cake in a coffee mug.

How do you make a mug cake from scratch?

  1. Get a large mixing bowl and pour in one box of angel food cake mix.
  2. Add 1 box of chocolate cake mix.

How do you make a mug cake better?

3. By adding one bag of chocolate chips of course! Chocolate chips are the third ingredient needed to make your 3 ingredient mug cake. You can use semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips. If you don’t want that much chocolate in your cake, you can use any flavored chips or candies you prefer. But in my opinion, chocolate chips are the best part of this delicious cake. 😉 If you want to keep the chips out of the mix, you can always add a handful of chocolate chips right before you cook it.

If you prefer a vanilla mug cake, you can use 1 box of angel food cake and mix it with a box of vanilla cake mix. For the third ingredient, you could add peanut butter chips, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, sprinkles, or any other bonus goodie that you would want in your 3 ingredient mug cake vanilla flavored.

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (4)

4. Get (4) 16oz mason jars and fill them with this chocolate mug cake mixture. Your mix will fill about 3 and 1/2 16oz mason jars. (enough for 30+ servings!)

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (5)

If you want to give these as a gift, then be sure to fill out the form below and you can get the free printable recipe tag that you can tie onto your jars! You may just want to print this out for yourself so that you can always remember the easy 3-2-1 recipe on how to make your mug cake.

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (6)
3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (7)

5. To make your mug cake, add three tablespoons of mug cake mix into a mug. Then add 2 tablespoons of water and stir well.

Which type of mug is used for mug cake?

You can use any microwave safe bowl or mug. I also recommend a small mug (or small bowl) vs. a large mug. A larger mug may be too deep for your spoon to be able to scoop out the yummy goodness from this cake in a mug.

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (8)

6. Your cooking time is a short 1 minute in the microwave!!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (9)

7. Top with whipped cream and sprinkles! Or choose any topping of your choice. If you are a Nutella lover – add a dollup of that! Or add a scoop of your favorite ice cream!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (10)

This is the perfect easy dessert for kids! My kids went nuts when I brought them their first mug cake! This also is very convenient because I can make individual servings and not worry about my oven heating up the house on a hot summer day! Also, these are so easy to make, that it’s the perfect way for kids to make their own easy treats!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (11)

I will be honest and say that since this cake is not a dense, super moist cake. If you are looking for that – then you’ll want to take the time and make this amazing Homemade Moist Chocolate Whole Cake Recipe with Pudding instead.

But for an easy recipe to have chocolate cake on hand at any moment, this mug cake recipe is the answer!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (12)

Do you have your own version of the chocolate microwave mug cake that you’d like to share? Leave us tips and ingredients in the comments below!Looking for more great recipes for easy desserts? Check these out:

  • Homemade Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe with Pudding
  • 90 Second Easy Microwave Brownie in a Mug
  • Cheesecake Cups Recipe with Oreo Thin Cookies Crust

See below for the recipe page you can print!

3 Ingredient Mug Cake Recipe (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.