Check out these other sensory play ideas that will stimulate ALL of the sensory systems without making a mess!

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One of the most common complaints we hear about sensory play is that people simply don’t like the mess. We get it. Busy moms, dads, and teachers don’t always have the time (or the energy) to clean up a huge mess after the kids have gone crazy with shaving cream or a big bin of sand.

But what if we told you that making a mess with your hands is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sensory play? The truth is that what most people think of as “sensory play” is actually tactile play.

Don’t get me wrong, we therapists love a good healthy dose of messy tactile play. But the sense of touch is only one of the avenues we can use to target overall sensory development in kids. In addition to the tactile system, kids also need exposure to play that appeals to the vestibular, proprioceptive, auditory, olfactory, oral sensory, and visual systems.

The good news? Addressing these other sensory systems through play typically involves very little set-up, only the simplest materials, and hardly any mess at all! Hooray!

Here are some of our favorite no-mess sensory play activities for kids! And, for good measure, we’ve also included some fun tactile activities that don’t result in a big squishy mess!

Vestibular Activities

The Vestibular System helps children process movement experiences (where their bodies are in space) and contributes to balance. There are tons of low maintenance vestibular activities that will leave your house or classroom neat and tidy and don’t involve a lot of complicated materials. When it comes to vestibular activities, position changes and movement are then name of the game! Here some of our favorites:

1 || Row, Row, Row Your Boat – No mess, set-up, no materials necessary…a tried and true favorite with my kids at school and at home!

2 || Playing on Playground Equipment Playing on swings, slides, seesaws, and merry go rounds are great ways to stimulate the vestibular system!

3 || Playing on ScootersLots of great movement going on here – and all you need is a kid and a scooter!

4 || Rolling, Tumbling, and Somersaulting – We love laying out our tumbling mat and letting kids go wild, showing off their favorite acrobatic moves! Or, take it outside! The only mess in sight will be a few grass stains from rolling around in the yard!

5 || Rough House Play – Get kids upside down, spun around, and rolled around with some fun rough house play! Great fun and great for the vestibular system!

6 || Balance Activities – See if kids can walk on the curb or a balance beam; walk across a bed, a couch, or a floor covered in cushions; walk while balancing items on their heads; walk across a slackline; or balance on some stepping stones! No fuss and no mess!

7 || Movement Games – Try games like Twister or Crazy Legs that get kids trying all kinds of movements and positions with their bodies.

8 || Kids Yoga – This is another great way to get kids into lots of different positions without any materials or mess at all! Try Snowga in the wintertime, or check out this awesome deck of yoga cards for kids if you just want to try a quick pose or two.

Proprioceptive Activities

The Proprioceptive System helps kids process and coordinate movement via messages sent to their brains from their muscles and joints. Picture stomping, jumping, pushing, and pulling against resistance and you’re picturing the proprioceptive system at work! Again, activities that target this sensory system usually require little set-up and no mess. And you’ll get lots of bang for your buck with these activities as kids are often better able to focus and attend after some good proprioceptive input!

9 || Playing With Couch Cushions – No squishy shaving cream or gritty sand to clean up here – just throw the cushions back on the couch when you’re done, and clean-up is complete! Kids will love these fun couch cushion games!

10 || Jumping Activities – Jumping off of a step or other raised surface, Making Waves on a trampoline, or jumping rope are all great no-fuss ways of stimulating the proprioceptive system.

11 || Climbing Activities – Get kids climbing trees, stairs, rock walls, rope ladders – even climbing up the slide – and you’ll be giving great heavy input that helps stimulate the proprioceptive system.

12 || Playing With Resistance Bands – One of my favorite no-mess sensory materials is a stretchy resistance band. There are tons of fun ways to play with them and when you’re done, you just throw it in your bag! My kind of clean-up!

13 || Making Your Own Roller Coaster – Got a bed sheet and a few kids? That’s all you’ll need for this fun activity that requires kids to pull against resistance (targeting proprioception) and gives a great vestibular (movement) experience too!

Auditory Activities

Yep, you guessed it…the Auditory System is all about processing sound. And the beautiful thing about sounds? They don’t make a mess! :) Here are some of our favorite quick and easy auditory activities for kids.

14 || Blindfold Play – This is a great way to challenge the auditory system, as kids have to learn to move and navigate using only their sense of hearing.

15 || Playing With Musical Toys – As therapists and as moms, we have seen the power of music to get little ones moving, singing, rocking and rolling! Musical toys are a great (and simple) way to stimulate the auditory system!

16 || Making Your Own Musical Toys – Try making your own instruments or simply dropping different small objects (e.g. Legos, paper clips) in clean empty food containers to make your own simple mess-free shakers!

17 || Playing Music That Gets Kids Moving – Kids songs are great for encouraging kids to listen to and follow directions and to work on processing, timing, and sequencing.

Olfactory Activities

The Olfactory System is the way children process the smells in their environment. There are lots of great olfactory activities for kids, but not all of them require time in the kitchen or a big clean-up. Here are a few simple ideas to stimulate the sense of smell:

18 || Scratch n Sniff Stickers – There’s no need for a lot of fancy materials when this tried and true classic does the trick! Kids love smelly stickers – try some fun sticker activities using these smelly little gems!

19 || Scented Markers – Another fun, simple, and relatively mess-free way to address the olfactory system – drawing and coloring becomes a lot more fun when the markers smell like strawberries, blueberries, mint, and more!

20 || Smelling Scavenger Hunt – Take kids out into a garden or into the flower section of the grocery store and see which plants and flowers they can identify by smell!

Oral Sensory Activities

The Oral Sensory System is how kids sense different tastes, textures, and temperatures in their mouths. There is also a proprioceptive element at work here, as the joint of the jaw picks up on information like whether foods are chewy or crunchy. Aside from good old snack time, there are other no-mess ways of incorporating the Oral Sensory System into play.

21 || Playing With Mouth Noises: Try buzzing like a bee, clicking your tongue, humming, or blowing raspberries!

22 || Making Funny Faces: Play with making silly faces in a mirror or imitating each other’s funny faces: open your mouth wide, stick your tongue out, smile, frown, or fill your cheeks up with air!

23 || Drinking from a water bottle with a straw or drinking through silly straws

24 || Blowing Up Balloons!

Visual Activities

The Visual System depends on the eye and the brain working together to help kids interpret what they see. Sensory play definitely doesn’t have to be messy in order to stimulate the visual system. There are all kinds of ways for kids to explore their sense of sight with no clean-up required!

25 || Playing With Flashlights!

26 || Playing on a Light Table Let kids go wild, arranging and rearranging light table manipulatives or even just household objects.

27 || Drawing and Tracing Activities – These activities are great for working on visual motor and visual perceptual skills.

28 || Playing Matching, Sorting and Categorizing Games – Sort or match by color, shape, size, or any other visual attribute!

29 || Playing I Spy – Play the old fashioned way, or try this fun twist on the game!

30 || Playing Follow the Leader Games – This is a great way to get kids to pay close attention to detail and a fun way to combine a movement activity with visual input! Try one of our favorites: Mirror, Mirror!

31 || Making Sensory Bottles – Like a miniature game of hide and seek, sensory bottles are a way to keep the mess contained, letting kids search with their eyes to find small objects. Just drop small letter beads, small toys, or other manipulatives into an empty water bottle and then fill it up the rest of the way with dry rice or beans.

Tactile Activities

And, last but not least, the Tactile System! This ishow kids process information they get from their skin – by touching. Not up for a super messy tactile play experience? We get it. Finger paint, sensory doughs, and shaving cream are so much fun, but aren’t the best when you’re not in the mood to clean up a huge mess, or when you don’t have a lot of time on your hands. No worries – there are some great mess-free ways to play with the sense of touch!

32 || Playing With Sensory Balloons – Try filling balloons with dry rice, dry beans, sand, or play dough. Check out one of our most popular sensory balloon activities: Baby Bumble Bee!

33 || Milking a Cow – Okay, so you probably don’t have a cow, right? Don’t worry, you can still do this one – and it’s a lot less messy than playing in a barn, especially if you try it with water!

34 || Taking a Bath – The ultimate way to get rid of the mess? Get in the tub! Check out these great activities for bath time playan awesome way to target the tactile system!

35 || Putting the Mess in a Bag – You can still use shaving cream, finger paint, and other messy materials without making a huge mess. Simply seal the messy material inside a large sealable bag and let kids squish away!

Want a fun, no-mess, outdoor way to target all of the sensory systems at once? Try our free Sensory Motor Scavenger Hunt!

Learn more about sensory processing and find all of our best sensory tips and tricks!



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Claire Heffron

Claire Heffron is co-author at The Inspired Treehouse and a pediatric occupational therapist in a preschool/primary school setting. She began her career with a bachelor's degree in magazine journalism but quickly changed course to pursue graduate studies in occupational therapy. She has been practicing therapy for 10 years in public and specialized preschool/primary school settings. She is a mom to three funny, noisy boys and relies on yoga, good food, and time outside to bring her back to center.


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What are messy play activities? ›

Messy play is the open-ended exploration of materials and their properties. Activities like squishing clay, pouring sand, and sorting stones allow children to repeat and experiment as they like. Children are naturally curious, and messy play engages their senses at a developmental level that is appropriate for them.

What is an example of sensory play for kids? ›

You can easily adapt a simple sensory activity like blowing bubbles for different children at different stages and abilities, for example: Babies might enjoy feeling the bubbles pop on their skin. Toddlers can chase after bubbles and pop them on themselves, the floor, and surfaces around them.

How do you do sensory play at home? ›

40 Sensory Play Activities at Home
  1. Make Homemade Playdough. Source: I Heart Naptime. ...
  2. Create Pasta Necklaces. Source: Mum's Grapevine. ...
  3. Try Finger Painting. Source: Nourishing Our Children. ...
  4. Make a Mini Sand Garden. Source: Home Depot. ...
  5. Sorting Pebbles. ...
  6. Moving Cotton Wool Balls Between Jars. ...
  7. Stacking Bricks. ...
  8. Painting with Water.
Dec 4, 2019

How to make a sensory play box? ›

What You'll Do
  1. Lay out a sheet, tablecloth or towel. Not only does this protect the floor, but it makes cleanup much easier.
  2. Fill the bin or bowl with dry pasta, rice or beans.
  3. Add spoons, scoops, toys and whatever else you have on hand into the bin.
  4. Play!

What is an example of messy play? ›

Messy play ideas for babies (12 months and older)
  • Find the animals. ...
  • Mud pie. ...
  • Just get messy. ...
  • Sand kitchen. ...
  • Rainy day escapes. ...
  • Water play for toddlers. ...
  • Leaf and lawn tumble fun. ...
  • Finger and feet painting.
Jan 4, 2020

Is messy play sensory play? ›

Sensory play contributes enormously to the development of a child's cognitive and creative abilities. Toddlers and children process information through their senses and learn through exploring with these.

What are the 5 sensory play? ›

In this article, we'll give you some ideas to help early learners explore their sense of touch, sight, smell, sound and taste. While of course we know there are more than five senses, these are the easiest ones to set up inside a classroom. So we'll keep things simple and stick with those.

What activities are sensory play? ›

Blowing bubbles onto their skin to engage the sense of touch. Scrunching up paper to engage the sense of hearing and sight. ReadingSensory Stories to babies. Making a treasure basket with lots of different textures, colours and smells for them to experiment with.

What are sensory play toys? ›

Sensory toys are designed to stimulate a child's five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. They might include elements such as bright, contrasting colors, sounds, or different textures. These toys are meant to help children develop their senses in a safe and natural environment using play.

What are messy food play ideas? ›

Messy Food Play Ideas

Filling up plastic cups with dry cereal, porridge oats, and breadcrumbs, and knocking them over with skittles. Pushing toys around in dry foodstuff. juice, tomato ketchup, fromage frais or to touch texture e.g. dates (sticky) apples (smooth) biscuits (hard) marshmallows (soft) and yoghurt (wet).

How do you make a messy play? ›

Playing with Food - Let your child play in a bowl with lentils, split peas, dry/cooked pasta or rice. Arts and Crafts - Get your child involved in arts and crafts activities using paint, glitter, glue, paper, card, tinfoil, felt, ribbon, foam etc.

How do you make a simple sensory toy? ›

A plastic bowl and Tupperware containers with dried pasta and/or dried rice in. Put the pasta or rice in the bowl for your child to move their hands through with you assisting and encouraging them hand over hand if required.

How do you make a sensory Ziplock? ›

Here's how: Fill a resealable plastic bag with tactile materials like hair gel, pumpkin seeds, shaving cream, or marbles. Reinforce the seal with strong tape, then use painter's or washi tape to secure the edges of the bag to the floor or a table where your baby can play.

How do you make a sensory squish bag? ›

Place flour, food colouring and water into the small mixing bowl. Mix until all the ingredients are well blended. Scoop the mixture into the plastic zip-lock bag. Before fastening the end, place the squishy bag onto a flat surface and gently push any excess air out to avoid air bubbles.

What is a sensory bin? ›

What Is a Sensory Bin? A sensory bin is a shallow container that combines filler material and various small odds and ends. You fill the bin with a filler material such as sand or rice, then add items from around the house such as spoons or measuring cups. Let your child explore the items and have fun playing.

What is messy play also known as? ›

Messy play is also known as sensory play. It's a way of playing that uses your child's 5 senses (touch, taste, smell, sound and sight). Messy play lets your child explore lots of different materials, textures and objects. It will also help develop your child's creative and cognitive skills.

What is messy play for 3 year olds? ›

Messy play includes hands-on activities that encourage exploratory play in the nursery. Anything can be used to facilitate messy play activities in EYFS: paint, water, sand, shaving cream, jelly, mud, soil and more. Messy play offers many benefits for child development – it's also really fun!

What are some examples of sensory play? ›

Playing with messy sensory materials helps children develop a curious and natural sense of exploration. Finding dinosaurs in taste-safe mud, a fizzy cloud dough experiment, and balloon painting are excellent examples of messy sensory play activities. Edible sensory play activities promote a multi-sensory experience.

What age is best for messy play? ›

Messy Play for Babies
  • Age: From 6 months old.
  • Class Size: 16.

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.