57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (2024)

Updated: February 16, 2023

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (1)

The world around us has changed in so many ways post-pandemic, but in some ways, it has opened up the opportunity for people to find new ways to connect and have fun together.

Virtual scavenger hunts have been around since the dawn of the Internet, but their popularity has exploded among those looking for ways to engage their audience remotely.

What is a Virtual Scavenger Hunt?

A virtual scavenger hunt, also referred to as a digital scavenger hunt or an online treasure hunt, is an activity that has participants seeking out specific items on a list where everyone can participate remotely or virtually and is searching for items that are not location-specific.

The virtual version of the scavenger hunt is kind of like the original version - find items on a list, get points, and compete to win - but in this case, everything can be completed remotely or virtually.

But instead of using paper and pen, it's all done through smartphones where people are able to take complete challenges virtually and remotely.

How to Create Your Virtual Scavenger Hunt

For a virtual scavenger hunt, things work pretty similar to a traditional scavenger hunt except that the medium for completing the list will be virtual. A few of the steps involved include:

  1. Create a list of items, riddles, and/or questions
  2. Choose a virtual platform for hosting (e.g. Zoom, scavenger hunt app, etc.)
  3. Set a start time and date
  4. Share the rules with participants
  5. Go hunting!
  6. Tally scores and determine winners
  7. Post-event hangout, event, slideshow, etc.

You can use a platform like Zoom in conjunction with a digital list to host a basic hunt, but you'll probably want to use ascavenger hunt app like Scavify to help set up, organize, and run your hunt.

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (2)

1. Set a Time

First, you’ll want to allot a certain amount of time for everyone to find the items they are hunting for.

2. Create a List

You will also need to make sure that you provide a list of clues and instructions to everyone before you start.

3. Launch and Run Your Hunt

You can set up the rules and timing however you’d like. For virtual team building scavenger hunts, you typically hunt usually last a few hours to a day. However, since everyone doesn’t need to be in the same physical place for a virtual scavenger hunt, many groups are opting to run their hunt over the course of days and weeks (and even months), adding new challenges and items to find periodically to maintain and sustain the engagement.

It’s easy to get as creative as you want, and you can do so much more with team building when you choose a unique idea like this to use your time and connect your teams.

You don’t necessarily have to give out a prize with the hunt, but that is a good way to reward and acknowledge the winner, as well as to remind everyone that participating is a great way to engage with the team and earn something in return.

Benefits of a Virtual Scavenger Hunt

The single-handed best benefit of a virtual scavenger hunt is that it can be played by anyone, anywhere in the world.

Additionally, it also opens the activity up to completing challenges in technologically advanced ways like snapping photos, taking videos, checking in to location via GPS, and scanning QR codes to verify finding items and locations.

The other benefits of virtual scavenger hunt are that it offers a fun and creative way to get the whole team involved. The game's simplicity is one of its best features, as there aren't many rules or instructions required. This allows you to focus on your task at hand with less distraction from other activities going on around you.

The activity is a fun way to get team members interacting with each other, which in turn leads to them becoming more invested in the success of activity. It can also be used as an icebreaker at the start of a new meeting or group event where people don't know one another very well.

What Are Good Uses for Virtual Scavenger Hunts?

Honestly, anyone can have a good time enjoying virtual scavenger hunts. There are so many different options out there that this is a good choice for everyone from individuals to corporate professionals looking for training, icebreakers, and other fun activities for their teams.

  1. Virtual Team Building Activities
  2. Office and Workplace Scavenger Hunts for Employees
  3. College Campus Scavenger Hunts for Students
  4. Conference and Tradeshow Engagement for Attendees
  5. Tourist Destinations (parks, cities, zoos, etc.) for Visitors

Thanks to the growing number of people working remotely, these kinds of team-building exercises can be a great way to help everyone stay connected and feel like part of the team.

To help you better plan your hunt, we’ve compiled some of the most popular ideas and virtual scavenger hunt lists to help you get started.

Sample Virtual Scavenger Hunt List: Ideas and Examples

You can pick and choose how difficult your hunt is based on the clues that you select. You can use any of the ideas here as they are, or simply use them as inspiration to create your own ideas.

Feel free to modify, add, and change these to suit your needs, and pick as many or as few as you’d like to add to your hunts.

We’ve separated them into groups of ideas for having people search in their homes and online, offering different angles to each hunt. You can also mix and match these concepts.

Things to Find at Home

  1. Pet selfies are popular as more pets become “office” pals for their human companions.
  2. Perform a TikTok dance or mimic a popular video from the site.
  3. Share the view from your office window.
  4. COVID-19 clues: sharing a photo of disinfecting wipes, toilet paper, or hand sanitizer.
  5. Take a zoom selfie that looks like a frozen camera glitch.
  6. Show off those culinary skills-- take a picture of your breakfast or lunch, or even the frozen pizza you’re saving for later.
  7. Mug shot: Share your favorite coffee mug.
  8. Show us your smarts: Share a book from your collection that’s at least 300 pages long.
  9. Family hunt: Have employees “show and tell” something interesting with other family members.
  10. Junk removal: Show off a photo of your home’s worst “junk drawer”.
  11. Recreate an old family photo.
  12. Recreate a famous work of art or a work of art in your home.
  13. Share a photo of your office setup. Bonus points if you have work-related stuff (non-confidential) on your computer.
  14. Safety check: Show off your best mask, if you’ve got one that’s themed or otherwise.
  15. Find something from the decades: Have players find something related to the 80s, 90s, or 2000s, in their home.

Things to Find Online

  1. Word hunts: You can do a word-themed hunt and have people find items that represent specific words.
  2. Photobomb: Search for the worst selfie on Google Images and share your result.
  3. Get Social: Look for the company’s profile on social media- find all the pages for a bonus.
  4. Alphabet soup: Have the players find an item based on a letter of the alphabet. This can be fun as an entire game of its own!
  5. Screen sharing: Find a screenshot or screen capture on your computer or phone. Share it with everyone. The older, the better.
  6. Share your skills: Search for your job title online. Find the occupational description and share it with the group. For added fun, read over it to see how accurate it is.
  7. Find a trending Instagram hashtag. (This is great for social media training, too)
  8. Hidden Gems: Task people with finding specific information, keywords, or pages on the company website. The deeper the page, the better.
  9. For the Team: Have everyone “shop” for promotional materials and see what they’d offer team members for onboarding or as a prize for the hunt.
  10. Find three TikTok profiles that make you laugh and share them with the group.
  11. Use Google Image search to find a picture of the company’s physical location (if it has one).
  12. Search for the company’s Google My Business page. Bonus points if you’ve got a suggestion for improvement.
  13. Wishlist: Make a “wish list” on your favorite online shopping site and share it with the group. It should include items that would explain your personality to people.
  14. Zoom zoom: Find three funny Zoom call glitches on YouTube. Share your favorite with the group.
  15. Rabbit Holes: Share your favorite time-wasting website with the group.

Photo and Video Items

Although many of the items discussed can be found and shared via photo or video, here are some specific quests that only involve taking images or sharing items on the screen.

  1. Your morning routine: teeth brushing selfie, morning paper, website screenshot, social media share.
  2. A box of band-aids or first aid supplies.
  3. Take a picture of all the technology within an arm’s length.
  4. Find a car charger for your phone and share a pic.
  5. Take a video of yourself reciting your job description creatively.
  6. Take a 10-second video of the weather outside at the moment and share it with the group.
  7. Holiday setup: If your hunt is happening during the holidays, you can have people share pics of their holiday decor, both indoors and out.
  8. Cleaning house: Take a photo of the various cleaning supplies in the home. Alternatively, have people share a photo or video of their least favorite chore.
  9. Google search for “tornado cat” and share the best image you can find.
  10. Search the company’s name plus the word “rainbow” and share the first image that comes up.


Finally, for those who prefer the riddle-style hunts and want a little inspiration, here are 10 great riddles to get you started.

  1. Sometimes I’m firm, sometimes I’m soft. I can come from the store or even from a big cardboard box. (Mattress/Bed)
  2. The Internet is fun and it can be a good tool. Search high, search low, and then search Google for the coolest outdoor pool.
  3. You know who you are and you know what you do, but can you find it online and explain it to others, too? (Find a listing or description of your job)
  4. On again, off again, that’s all I do. I’m not talking about relationships, I’m lighting the way for you. (Lamp)
  5. If you’re planning on going out, put me on first. I’ll protect your head from the worst. (Hat/hood)
  6. Round and round and round I go. Suds and duds and balled up socks, and if I’m not balanced, I’ll take a walk. (Washing machine)
  7. I can be a code or a card, or even made of metal and put on a ring. Without me, you’re not getting in, that’s a sure thing! (Key)
  8. Work, work, work, with no time for play. Take a picture of the screen where you spend most of your day. (Computer)
  9. I’m always running and sometimes find you running behind. I have my hands on my face and nothing but time. (A clock)
  10. Good morning to all and to all a goodnight. Now get online and find Santa’s favorite website. (Share your favorite online shopping platform)

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Team Building Activities

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (3)

A scavenger hunt is a team building activity that can be done virtually in any place with internet access. It's one of the best ways to get individuals interacting and talking with each other, which helps build relationships in addition to providing some entertainment on its own. Scavenger hunts are an excellent way for new teams or groups who don't know each other very well to get comfortable and acquainted with one another.

Example List for Team Building Activities

  1. [PHOTO]: Social distancing doesn't mean you can't go outside. Snap a picture of you enjoying some fresh air!
  2. [PHOTO]: Good Deed Friday - Show us how you give back during these times
  3. [Q&A]: Positivity award! Nominate someone at your organization who you think is the most positive and why.
  4. [VIDEO]: Time to dance away those weekday blues. Record a video of you and anyone else you are at home with dancing to your favorite song!
  5. [Q&A]: What planet was the first to be discovered using a telescope?

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for College Students

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (4)

The college level scavenger hunt is perfect for a group of people who still have their youthful energy and enjoy being very active. This type of activity isn't just about getting out outside; it can also be done virtually from your dorm room and will still provide the same benefits of getting you out in the world.

This activity is great because it doesn't require a ton of physical space to complete, so even if you don't have much free time on campus, you can always find some opportunities for this type of adventure.

If you are looking for an activity that will help build relationships on your campus, this is one of the most popular team building activities around.

Example Virtual Scavenger Hunt List for College Students on Campus

Here are some examples of how we can get students interacting with their campus virtually:

  1. [PHOTO]: Show us your favorite study spot on campus!
  2. [QR CODE]: Be hospitable and pay a visit to this University student-run coffee shop. Find and scan the secret QR code located at the shop pick up window.
  3. [VIDEO]: Out on the town. Find your favorite spot away from campus and take a video with your friends there!
  4. [SURVEY]: Do you feel like you are up-to-date with everything going on? Is there a way we could communicate with the students in a better way?
  5. [GPS]: Head up to the writing center to get help with a paper. Check-in with the app while you are there to complete this challenge.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Employees at Work

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (5)

Scavenger hunts are an excellent way for new teams or groups who don't know each other very well to get comfortable and acquainted with one another.

Scavenger hunts can be a great way to get employees interacting with each other, which in turn leads them being more invested in the success of their team and therefore company. It's also an excellent activity to start at the beginning of a meeting or event where people don't know one another very well but want to build relationships.

Example Virtual Scavenger Hunt List for the Office or Workplace

A couple of examples might include:

  1. [PHOTO]: Share a WFH (Work from Home) office setup recommendation to your team. Snap a photo of one item you’d suggest for your team that they likely don’t have already.
  2. [VIDEO]: Share a story about something you’re grateful for now that you work from home.
  3. [SURVEY]: What is the last move you watched that you would recommend to your team?
  4. [QR CODE]: Read the company’s latest Work From Home blog post on ways to thrive in this new environment. Scan the QR code on the company blog post that went out this week.
  5. [QUIZ]: What is the name of the new VP that was hired this month?

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Conference and Event Attendees

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (6)

Virtual scavenger hunts can be an excellent and creative way to engage a large group of people. It's also an activity that doesn't require all of your attendees to be in one physical place, making it perfect for virtual conferences or events where you're looking for something interactive.

A great thing about a virtual scavenger hunt at a conference is there are no limitations to what adventure you want your attendees to go on. You'll like still have many of the same goals of educating attendees about the conference, having them interact with sponsors, and engaging them with a fun activity. All of this can still be done virtually just like you would in a traditional conference setting.

Example Virtual Scavenger Hunt List for Conference or Trade Show

A couple of examples might be:

  1. [PHOTO]: Snap a selfie while attending a virtual session.
  2. [VIDEO]: Share the most interesting thing you learned from the conference with other attendees.
  3. [QUIZ]: Which exhibitor has been in business for over 100 years?
  4. [QR CODE]: Scan the QR code on the virtual exhibitor page for the company that won the #1 Tech Solution of the Year
  5. [SURVEY]: Is there anything we can improve for next year?

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for Tourist Destinations

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (7)

Tourist destinations can also have virtual scavenger hunts for their visitors. For example, this type of activity is perfect if you're at your vacation destination and looking to get out into the city or explore some new landmarks, but still want an adventure that's not too demanding on your time and can be done on your smartphone.

A great thing about this type of game is it helps people engage with new and interesting places, which is perfect especially if you're just visiting for the first time or looking to engage with a familiar place in a new way.

Example Virtual Scavenger Hunt List for Visitors of a Zoo, Museum, Park, or City

A few examples to serve as inspiration:

  1. [PHOTO]: Strike a pose with the Rocky Statue by the Art Museum stairs. [Philadelphia, PA]
  2. [VIDEO]: Take a video of your reflection in this public sculpture created by Indian-born British artist Sir Anish Kapoor, that is the centerpiece at Millennium Park in the Loop. [Cloud Gate, Chicago, IL]
  3. [QUIZ]: What is the name of our newest feline friend? [Philadelphia Zoo]
  4. [QUIZ]: Who is credited with discovering the city?
  5. [QR CODE]:Scan the QR code by the entrance to the park that shows all of the rules. Be sure to read the rules for safety.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt for K-12 Students

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (8)

Some people think scavenger hunts are only for fun, but they can be a great way to engage students of all ages in an educational manner. For example, when using them in the classroom as an educational activity related to academics or social studies subjects (like geography), it helps make information more memorable and enjoyable for kids who might not otherwise sit still.

A virtual scavenger hunt can also be a great way to engage students with different learning styles. This activity is perfect for auditory learners who like games and solving puzzles, but might not respond well to more traditional teaching methods that require reading books or writing essays.

Planning a Virtual Scavenger Hunt - Tips and Best Practices

There is a lot that you can do with a virtual scavenger hunt, but that also means that there is a lot that you can do wrong.

There’s no reason to make things more difficult, and there are some best practices that you can follow from those who came before you to help you get what you want out of this experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Choose Your Participants

With virtual scavenger hunts, there really is no limit to the number of participants you can have. However, different circ*mstances will dictate how many you should include. Think about how many people you have and how much time you want to spend, and then plan accordingly.

2. Add Variety and Creativity

Add in challenges like selfies, online searching, or performance videos to keep people interested and engaged. Try to avoid the hunt from being a giant game of “fetch”.

3. Determine the Winner

If you want to up the stakes, add points to each clue based on the level of difficulty, and then you’ll have a clear winner based on who gets the most points and finishes the soonest.

4. Mix Virtual and Physical Items

Don’t limit yourself to strictly online or physical clues-- a good mix of both will keep people engaged and make the hunt more interesting.

5. Use Turn-Key Hunts and Lists

Use pre-built lists and scavenger hunt ideas from scavenger hunt apps and companies that have experience with these types of activities. Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to and also leverage their experience. Contact companies like Scavify to help. You’ll always be able to customize your list off these turn-key foundation lists.

The Benefits of Virtual Scavenger Hunts

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (9)

While some people look at this only as a good time, the reality is that there are benefits beyond just having fun.

Especially if you’re in the market for corporate training and team-building exercises, the virtual scavenger hunt can be a great choice. It will get your employees engaged and allow them to have a little fun. Plus, it will give you the chance to show them that you can be silly and fun, too, and that the best work comes from teams that get along and can have a good time together.

Scavenger hunts also challenge people’s critical thinking and creative skills. This can be a good way to see which of your employees have the chops to take the creative reins. You’ll often find that analytical types struggle more with games like this, but it’s also a good way to get them to open up and interact with their team. It can help everyone get engaged and remember that work can also be fun, and that kind of culture is invaluable in today’s society.


  1. Fun
  2. Team Building
  3. Employee and Audience Engagement
  4. Social Interaction
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Creativity
  7. Company Culture

Where To Go From Here?

Whether you copy these clues and lists verbatim or you use them to create your own inspired hunts, you’ll be well on your way to a great team-building or icebreaker exercise in no time at all.

Rather than build and execute your scavenger hunt from scratch, you’ll likely want to use a scavenger hunt app like Scavify to manage and automate everything for you. They can also help provide pre-built hunts that you can further customize or just set up and run effortlessly.

Enjoy and happy hunting!

57 Best Virtual Scavenger Hunt Ideas & List for 2024 (2024)


How to do a scavenger hunt virtually? ›

How do you play scavenger hunt on Zoom? Simply break your Zoom call participants up into teams. Create a list of items for people to locate in and around their homes. Give your teams a set amount of time to scour their homes for the correct items.

What are good scavenger hunt questions? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  • You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  • A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  • Everything ends with me. ...
  • How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  • I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  • I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

How to make a fun scavenger hunt for adults? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

How long should a virtual scavenger hunt last? ›

We would recommend your virtual scavenger hunt team building activity to be around 60 mins. Also, the rules of a virtual scavenger hunt should be set before the start. This will help participants know what they are supposed to do and how to go about it.

What is the world's best scavenger hunt? ›

It's called GISHWHES, which stands for Greatest International Scavenger Hunt The World Has Ever Seen. Misha Collins takes some time away from the TV show Supernatural to put together this scavenger hunt every year. GISHWHES started.

What are good hunting questions? ›

Getting to know the hunter:

Why do you hunt deer? What time of day do you usually hunt? Where does the meat go? Are you willing to harvest more deer and donate to a food bank?

How do you make hints for a scavenger hunt? ›

The most common way to give treasure hunt clues is to create a trail, so that the answer to one clue reveals the next one. You can either write the riddle on a piece of paper hidden at the chosen location, or enter the puzzles into an online treasure hunt app that gives clues one by one.

What makes a scavenger hunt fun? ›

Cryptic clues, problem solving and history lessons are usually left behind at school but in adulthood they're fun skills to indulge. Rather than worrying about adult problems or stressing over the chaos of daily life, a scavenger hunt is an opportunity to give yourself a mental vacation.

How many items should be on a scavenger hunt? ›

Pick 5-15 or so objects you want the players to find throughout the scavenger hunt—ideally things matched to your theme. These can be any household items, like a spoon, action figure, or markers, for example. Or, they can be items already in the area, like a yellow leaf, bronze statue, or black park bench.

How do you do a virtual scavenger hunt? ›

How to Host Your Own Virtual Scavenger Hunt
  1. Create Your List. ...
  2. Pick a Time and Invite Your Participants. ...
  3. Decide on a Game Master. ...
  4. Communicate the Rules. ...
  5. Pick a Prize – One the Team Wants. ...
  6. Evaluate the Results. ...
  7. A 'Traditional' Hunt – Just Online! ...
  8. A Photo Challenge Scavenger Hunt.

What are some good scavenger hunt riddles? ›

20 Best Indoor Scavenger Hunt Riddles for Kids
  • I have hands but no arms. ...
  • I'm full of keys but can't open any doors. ...
  • I get wetter the more I dry. ...
  • You use me when it's sunny, but not when it rains. ...
  • I'm round, full of fun, but you don't eat me even if I'm called a bun.
Jun 27, 2024

How many clues are there for a scavenger hunt? ›

If you're running the hunt for kids and want it to be relatively short, you should not have more than 10 items, as it will become overwhelming for them. However, if you're aiming for a longer game with adults who can quickly decipher clues, your items could range anywhere from 20 to 50.

How do you make a digital treasure hunt? ›

Start with a template, come up with questions or quests, and upload your own images. Treasure Hunt offers amazing branding opportunities. You can easily customize the game to match your brand style. Easily embed your game onto your website or use a standalone page to quickly share your game with users.

Is there an app to create your own scavenger hunt? ›

TurfHunt is one of the coolest DIY scavenger hunt apps. The program is a fully-customizable location-based treasure hunt game. Gamemasters create quizzes and courses with an easy-to-use design and publish tool. Players can download the app and join the hunt by entering a custom code.

What is a digital scavenger hunt? ›

Virtual scavenger hunts are remote games where players scramble to find items or fulfill challenges before time runs out. For example, a player may have to retrieve their favorite mug or take a selfie to earn points. The goal of these games is to have fun and encourage engagement for participants.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.