Birds With Hair On Top: Types, Characteristics, And Conservation | Feathered Realm (2024)

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Learn about the various with hair on top and their unique . Explore their habitats, behaviors, and the conservation efforts to protect these fascinating creatures. Discover the cultural significance and human impacts on their populations.

Types of Birds with Hair on Top

Birds with hair on top come in various forms, each with its own unique and features. Let’s explore the different that possess crests, tufts, or plumes.

Crested Birds

Crested birds are known for the distinctive feathers that adorn the top of their heads, forming an elegant and often eye-catching crest. These crests can vary in size, shape, and color, adding an element of charm to these avian creatures.

One example of a crested bird is the majestic co*ckatoo. With its flamboyant, flamboyant crest, the co*ckatoo stands out in the avian world. This crest not only serves as a beautiful adornment but also helps the bird communicate and express its emotions.

Another crested bird is the Crested Serpent Eagle. This magnificent raptor boasts a striking crest that enhances its regal appearance. The crest serves multiple purposes, including displaying dominance during territorial disputes and attracting potential mates during courtship rituals.

Tufted Birds

Tufted birds are distinguished by the tufts or elongated feathers on their heads, giving them a distinct and often quirky appearance. These tufts can vary in length and shape, adding character to these avian species.

One well-known tufted bird is the Northern Cardinal. The male Cardinal sports a prominent, vibrant red crest that stands tall on its head, making it easily recognizable. This tuft serves as a visual signal during courtship, attracting mates and conveying the bird’s vitality and health.

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Another example of a tufted bird is the Crested Auklet. This seabird possesses two long, slender tufts on either side of its head, resembling a pair of elegant plumes. These tufts play a crucial role in courtship displays, as males perform intricate head movements to showcase their tufts and attract potential mates.

Plumed Birds

Plumed birds are characterized by their abundant and beautiful plumage, which extends to the top of their heads, creating a stunning display. These plumes can vary in shape, size, and color, adding a touch of elegance to these avian species.

One well-known plumed bird is the Great Blue Heron. This magnificent bird boasts long, graceful plumes that extend from its head, enhancing its already impressive stature. These plumes not only contribute to the bird’s striking appearance but also serve as a visual cue during courtship displays, attracting potential mates.

Another example of a plumed bird is the African Crowned Crane. This regal bird possesses an elaborate crest of golden plumes on its head, resembling a royal crown. These plumes play a vital role in courtship rituals, as the crane performs intricate dances, showcasing its beautiful plumes to impress potential mates.

Want to learn more about the fascinating world of birds? Check out our article on “Characteristics of Birds with Hair on Top” to delve deeper into the feather structure, coloration, and size of these avian species.

Characteristics of Birds with Hair on Top

Feather Structure

Feathers are a defining feature of birds, and those with hair on top have unique feather structures that set them apart from other bird species. These feathers are known as crests, tufts, or plumes, depending on the specific bird species. They are typically found on top of the bird’s head and can vary in size, shape, and color.

The feathers that make up the crest, tuft, or plume are often longer and more decorative than the rest of the bird’s feathers. They may be soft and flexible or stiff and rigid, depending on the bird’s needs. These specialized feathers serve various purposes, including communication, mate attraction, and social signaling.

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Coloration and Patterns

The coloration and patterns of the feathers on top of a bird’s head are highly diverse and can be quite striking. Birds with hair on top often have vibrant and eye-catching colors, such as bright reds, blues, yellows, or oranges. These colors can be seen from a distance and are used to attract mates or establish dominance within their social groups.

In addition to solid colors, many birds with hair on top also have intricate patterns or markings on their crests, tufts, or plumes. These patterns can include spots, stripes, bars, or even unique designs that are specific to each individual bird. These patterns not only add to the bird’s overall beauty but also serve as a form of camouflage, helping them blend into their natural habitats.

Size and Shape

Birds with hair on top exhibit a wide range of sizes and shapes when it comes to their crests, tufts, or plumes. Some species have small, delicate crests that are barely noticeable, while others have large, elaborate plumes that extend far beyond the bird’s head. The size and shape of these features can vary greatly between males and females, with males often having more elaborate and larger crests or plumes than females.

The size and shape of the crest, tuft, or plume can also play a role in the bird’s overall fitness and survival. For example, in some species, a larger crest may indicate a healthier and more genetically fit individual, making them more attractive to potential mates. In other cases, the size and shape of these features may be influenced by environmental factors, such as the availability of food or the need for thermoregulation.


Thermoregulation is a crucial evolutionary adaptation that allows birds with hair on top to maintain their body temperature within a narrow range, regardless of the external environment. These birds have developed specialized feathers and physiological mechanisms to regulate heat loss and gain.

Specialized Feathers

Birds with hair on top possess unique feathers that play a vital role in thermoregulation. The feathers on their crests, tufts, or plumes are often denser and longer than the rest of their plumage, providing insulation and protection against extreme temperatures. This insulation helps to retain body heat in colder climates and prevent overheating in hotter regions.

Blood Vessels and Glands

Underneath the specialized feathers, birds with hair on top have an intricate network of blood vessels that help regulate body temperature. During cold weather, these blood vessels constrict, reducing blood flow to the surface of the skin and minimizing heat loss. Conversely, in warmer conditions, the blood vessels dilate, allowing for increased heat dissipation.

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Additionally, some birds with hair on top possess specialized glands that secrete oils. These oils coat the feathers, enhancing their waterproofing abilities, which is particularly useful during rainy or humid conditions. By keeping their feathers dry, these birds can maintain their insulating properties and regulate their body temperature more effectively.

Communication and Mate Attraction

Birds with hair on top have evolved unique and to communicate with others of their kind and attract potential mates. Their distinctive crests, tufts, or plumes play a significant role in these communication processes.

Crest Displays

Many crested birds utilize their prominent crests as a means of communication. They can raise, lower, or fan out their crests to convey various messages. For example, a fully raised crest may indicate aggression or territoriality, while a partially raised or lowered crest could signal submission or a relaxed state. These displays are essential for establishing social hierarchies and resolving conflicts among conspecifics.


In addition to visual displays, birds with hair on top also rely on vocalizations to communicate with others. They produce a wide range of calls and songs, each with its distinct meaning. These vocalizations serve various purposes, including mate attraction, territory defense, and group cohesion. The unique combination of their crests and vocal repertoire allows these birds to convey complex messages effectively.

Predator Deterrence

Birds with hair on top have evolved several adaptations to deter potential predators. These adaptations enhance their chances of survival by making them less vulnerable to predation.

Camouflage and Mimicry

Some birds with hair on top have developed intricate coloration and patterns on their plumage that help them blend into their surroundings. These camouflage adaptations make it harder for predators to spot them, increasing their chances of evading detection. Additionally, some species have evolved mimicry, imitating the appearance or behavior of toxic or dangerous species to discourage predation attempts.

Defensive Behaviors

Birds with hair on top exhibit a range of defensive behaviors to deter predators. When threatened, they may puff up their crests, tufts, or plumes, making themselves appear larger and more intimidating. They may also engage in aggressive displays, such as lunging or dive-bombing, to scare off potential predators. These behaviors, combined with their striking appearance, serve as warning signals to would-be attackers.


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Habitat and Distribution of Birds with Hair on Top

Birds with hair on top can be found in a variety of habitats around the world. Their distribution is influenced by the availability of suitable nesting sites, food sources, and favorable environmental conditions. Let’s explore some of the habitats where these unique birds thrive.

Tropical Rainforests

One of the most mesmerizing habitats where birds with hair on top can be found is the lush tropical rainforests. These dense and vibrant forests provide a perfect haven for these birds to display their magnificent crests, tufts, and plumage. In the canopies of the rainforest, they can seek protection and find an abundant food supply.

Within the tropical rainforests, various species of birds with hair on top have adapted to different niches. Some prefer the understory, while others are more commonly seen in the upper canopy. Their vibrant colors and elaborate head decorations make them a delightful sight amidst the green foliage.

It is fascinating to witness how these birds utilize their unique physical features to navigate the complex rainforest ecosystem. Their crests, tufts, and plumes not only serve as a means of communication and mate attraction but also help them blend in with the dense vegetation, offering them camouflage from potential predators.

Temperate Forests

Birds with hair on top can also be found in temperate forests, where the changing seasons create a dynamic and diverse habitat. These forests, characterized by a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, provide a different set of challenges and opportunities for these feathered beauties.

In temperate forests, the crested, tufted, and plumed birds can be seen perched on branches, singing their melodious songs or foraging for food. Their vibrant head decorations stand out against the backdrop of changing foliage colors, creating a captivating sight for nature enthusiasts.

During the breeding season, these birds construct intricate nests in the trees, carefully hidden among the leaves and branches. The forest floor becomes a treasure trove of fallen leaves and twigs, as they gather materials to build their nests, ensuring a safe and secure environment for their young.

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Grasslands and Savannas

Grasslands and savannas provide a different habitat for birds with hair on top. These open landscapes are characterized by vast stretches of grasses, interspersed with scattered trees and shrubs. Here, these birds can display their impressive head adornments while adapting to the unique challenges of this ecosystem.

In these expansive habitats, birds with hair on top often rely on their keen eyesight and strong flight abilities to spot potential predators from afar. Their crest, tuft, or plume may serve as a visual signal, communicating with other birds or warning of potential threats.

The grasslands and savannas are also home to a variety of insects and small mammals, which serve as a vital food source for these birds. With their sharp beaks and agile movements, they can snatch their prey from the ground or even mid-flight, showcasing their remarkable hunting skills.

Table: Distribution of Birds with Hair on Top in Different Habitats

HabitatNotable Species
Tropical RainforestsCrested Bird A, Tufted Bird B
Plumed Bird C
Temperate ForestsCrested Bird D, Tufted Bird E
Plumed Bird F
Grasslands and SavannasCrested Bird G, Tufted Bird H
Plumed Bird I

Behaviors of Birds with Hair on Top

Nesting and Breeding

Birds with hair on top exhibit fascinating behaviors when it comes to nesting and breeding. These birds have developed unique strategies to ensure the survival of their offspring. Let’s explore some of the intriguing aspects of their nesting and breeding habits.

  • Nesting Sites: Birds with hair on top choose a variety of nesting sites depending on their specific species. Some prefer to build their nests in trees, while others opt for cliffs or even burrows in the ground. These birds are highly adaptable and can make use of various natural and man-made structures for their nests.
  • Nest Construction: The construction of nests by birds with hair on top is a remarkable feat. They use a combination of materials such as twigs, leaves, grass, and feathers to create a sturdy and comfortable home for their eggs and hatchlings. The nests are often intricately woven and carefully designed to provide protection from predators and the elements.
  • Breeding Displays: During the breeding season, birds with hair on top engage in elaborate displays to attract mates. These displays can involve impressive vocalizations, intricate dances, and vibrant plumage displays. The purpose of these displays is to signal fitness and attract a suitable partner for reproduction.
  • Incubation and Parental Care: Once the eggs are laid, the parents take turns incubating them to ensure proper development. This shared responsibility allows both parents to contribute to the survival of their offspring. After hatching, the parents continue to provide care by feeding and protecting the chicks until they are ready to leave the nest.

Feeding and Foraging

Feeding and foraging behaviors of birds with hair on top play a crucial role in their survival and overall ecological balance. These birds have developed unique adaptations to obtain their food efficiently. Let’s delve into their fascinating feeding and foraging habits.

  • Diet Diversity: Birds with hair on top have diverse diets depending on their specific species and habitats. Some are primarily insectivorous, while others are omnivorous or specialize in feeding on nectar, fruits, or seeds. This diversity in diet allows these birds to occupy different ecological niches and reduce competition for resources.
  • Foraging Techniques: These birds employ a range of foraging techniques to obtain their food. Some species use their crests, tufts, or plumage to attract prey or intimidate rivals, while others rely on stealth and agility to capture their meals. The ability to adapt their foraging techniques to different environments is a testament to their remarkable behavioral flexibility.
  • Feeding Strategies: Birds with hair on top have developed ingenious strategies to maximize their feeding efficiency. Some birds form flocks and forage cooperatively, increasing their chances of finding food and reducing the risk of predation. Others have specialized beak structures that allow them to access hard-to-reach food sources, such as probing deep into tree bark for insects.
  • Role in Ecosystems: These birds play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems through their feeding habits. For example, some species act as pollinators while feeding on nectar, contributing to plant reproduction. Others control insect populations, preventing outbreaks that could harm crops or other species. Their presence in different habitats helps promote biodiversity and ecological stability.

Migration Patterns

Migration is a fascinating phenomenon observed in many bird species, including those with hair on top. These birds undertake long and arduous journeys to take advantage of seasonal resources and find suitable breeding or wintering grounds. Let’s delve into the intriguing migration patterns of these birds.

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  • Seasonal Movements: Birds with hair on top exhibit seasonal movements, often traveling long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds. These movements are triggered by changes in resource availability, temperature, and daylight duration. Some birds migrate from the tropics to temperate regions during the breeding season, while others undertake transcontinental journeys.
  • Navigation Skills: The ability of these birds to navigate accurately during migration is a marvel of nature. They rely on a combination of celestial cues, landmarks, magnetic fields, and even olfactory senses to find their way. It is still a topic of ongoing research how these birds possess such remarkable navigational abilities.
  • Stopover Sites: During migration, birds with hair on top make stopovers at specific sites to rest and refuel. These sites are crucial for their survival, as they provide opportunities to rest and replenish energy reserves for the continuation of their journey. Wetlands, coastal areas, and forested habitats often serve as vital stopover sites for these migratory birds.
  • Conservation Challenges: Migration exposes these birds to various conservation challenges. Habitat loss along their migration routes, climate change affecting the timing of resource availability, and human-induced obstacles such as tall buildings and communication towers pose threats to their successful migration. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these birds throughout their migratory journeys.

Conservation Status of Birds with Hair on Top

Endangered Species

The of birds with hair on top varies greatly depending on the specific species. Some of these birds are considered endangered, meaning they are at a high risk of extinction in the near future. This is often due to factors such as habitat loss, hunting, and the introduction of non-native species.

One example of an endangered bird with hair on top is the Crested Auklet. These birds are native to the North Pacific, particularly the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. They have distinctive crests on their heads, which give them their name. Unfortunately, their population has been declining due to overfishing, which reduces their food supply, and the destruction of their nesting sites.

Threats to Survival

Birds with hair on top face numerous threats to their survival. Habitat loss is one of the greatest challenges they face. Many of these birds rely on specific types of ecosystems, such as tropical rainforests or temperate forests, for their survival. However, these habitats are being destroyed at an alarming rate due to deforestation, urbanization, and agricultural expansion. As a result, the birds lose their nesting sites, food sources, and protective cover.

Another significant threat to these birds is the presence of invasive species. These non-native animals often outcompete the native birds for resources, disrupt their breeding patterns, and even prey on their eggs or young. Invasive predators, such as rats or cats, can have devastating impacts on bird populations.

Climate change is also a major concern for birds with hair on top. Rising temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and the loss of suitable habitats due to sea-level rise can all disrupt the birds’ breeding and feeding . This can lead to declines in population size and even local extinctions.

Conservation Efforts

Conservation efforts are crucial to protect and preserve the remaining populations of birds with hair on top. Various organizations and initiatives are working tirelessly to address the threats facing these birds and ensure their long-term survival.

One approach to conservation is the establishment of protected areas. These are designated spaces where human activities are regulated to minimize negative impacts on the birds and their habitats. Protected areas can range from national parks to nature reserves and play a vital role in safeguarding the biodiversity of these species.

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Additionally, efforts are being made to restore and rehabilitate degraded habitats. This involves activities such as reforestation, habitat corridors, and the removal of invasive species. By restoring the natural ecosystems that these birds rely on, it is possible to create more suitable conditions for their survival and increase their population numbers.

Conservation organizations also work to raise awareness about the importance of birds with hair on top and the threats they face. Education and outreach programs aim to engage the public and promote actions that individuals can take to support bird conservation. This can include simple steps such as planting native vegetation in gardens, participating in citizen science projects, and advocating for stronger environmental policies.

Interactions with Humans

The relationship between birds with hair on top and humans is a fascinating and complex one. These unique avian species have captured our attention and imagination for centuries, and their interactions with us have had a significant impact on both our culture and their populations. In this section, we will explore the cultural significance of these birds, the growing popularity of birdwatching and ecotourism, and the various ways in which human activities have affected their populations.

Cultural Significance

Birds with hair on top hold a special place in the cultural beliefs and traditions of many societies around the world. They have been revered and celebrated as symbols of beauty, freedom, and spirituality. In ancient civilizations, such as the Aztecs and Mayans, these birds were often depicted in religious art and mythology, representing divine beings or messengers from the gods.

Even today, these birds continue to hold cultural significance. They are often featured in folklore, literature, and art, serving as symbols of hope, wisdom, and transformation. Their vibrant plumage and unique crests have inspired artists, poets, and musicians, becoming iconic representations of beauty and grace.

Birdwatching and Ecotourism

Birdwatching, or birding, has become a popular recreational activity for nature enthusiasts all over the world. People flock to national parks, wildlife reserves, and other natural habitats in hopes of catching a glimpse of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitats. Birds with hair on top, with their striking crests, tufts, and plumes, are among the most sought-after species for birdwatchers.

The rise in birdwatching has also given birth to a booming industry of ecotourism. Many countries and regions have recognized the economic potential of these birds and their habitats. They have developed birding trails, observation points, and guided tours to cater to the growing number of birdwatchers. This not only provides employment opportunities for local communities but also incentivizes the conservation and protection of these birds’ habitats.

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Human Impacts on Populations

While the admiration and fascination with these birds have led to positive outcomes such as conservation efforts, human activities have also posed significant threats to their populations. Habitat loss, primarily due to deforestation and urbanization, is one of the most critical challenges faced by birds with hair on top. As their natural habitats shrink, these birds are forced to adapt to fragmented environments, making them more vulnerable to predation and other threats.

Another significant impact of human activities is the illegal wildlife trade. Birds with hair on top, prized for their unique and beautiful feathers, are often targeted by poachers. They are captured and sold on the black market, resulting in a decline in their populations and disrupting the delicate balance of ecosystems they inhabit.

Climate change is yet another pressing issue that affects these birds. The altering weather patterns and habitat shifts disrupt their breeding and migration patterns, making it more challenging for them to find suitable nesting sites and food sources. As temperatures rise, these birds also face the risk of heat stress and dehydration.

Efforts are being made to mitigate these impacts and conserve these magnificent birds. Conservation organizations are working tirelessly to protect their habitats, raise awareness about their plight, and enforce regulations against illegal trade. Additionally, community-based initiatives are engaging local communities in conservation efforts, emphasizing the importance of preserving these birds for future generations.

In conclusion, birds with hair on top have captivated humans throughout history, playing a significant role in our culture and inspiring awe and wonder. The growing popularity of birdwatching and ecotourism has provided opportunities for people to connect with these birds and appreciate their beauty. However, it is crucial that we recognize and address the negative impacts of human activities on their populations. By working together, we can ensure the survival and thriving of these remarkable birds for generations to come.

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Birds With Hair On Top: Types, Characteristics, And Conservation | Feathered Realm (6)

Joan Stevens

Dedicated writer blending scientific research and personal experiences to offer a unique perspective on birds, fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Birds With Hair On Top: Types, Characteristics, And Conservation | Feathered Realm (2024)


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What Bird Species Have Prominent Crests? The co*ckatoo, Cardinal, Peaco*ck, and Hoopoe are some species known for their distinctive crests.

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Juniper Titmouse Photos and Videos

Its long body and medium-long tail makes it appear bigger than it is. Drab gray above and paler below. Plain gray bird with a prominent black eye and a feisty tuft of feathers on its head.

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Birds do not have fur, ever. Their feathers fulfill the role of fur. Diving birds have dense feathers to trap air and keep warm, very similar to diving mammals like otters. A longer answer is that while birds don't have hair of any kind, some bird species have feathers that resemble fur.

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Tufted Titmice are roughly 5.5"-6.3" from beak tip to tail with a wingspan of 7.9"-10.2". These birds are regular visitors to bird feeders, and can be a treat to watch, the tuft of feathers at the front of its head communicating much of its emotions and "attitude".

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Crazy hair day for this Double-crested Cormorant! The tufts of feathers on their heads are what gives it its name of "double-crested." These large black birds are aquatic and are very agile and swift in the water, while pursuing their favorite quarry - fish.

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The active and agile Tufted Titmouse is easily recognized by its jaunty crest of gray feathers, big black eyes, and rust-colored flanks. This familiar bird feeder visitor often joins mixed foraging flocks with other common backyard birds such as the White-breasted Nuthatch and Black-capped Chickadee.

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Tufted Titmice look large among the small birds that come to feeders, an impression that comes from their large head and eye, thick neck, and full bodies. The pointed crest and stout bill help identify titmice even in silhouette.

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co*ckatoos and their smaller cousins, co*ckatiels, are part of the parrot family Cacatuidae found in Australia, the Bismarck Archipelago and the Philippines, and are probably the most recognizable birds to feature crests. co*ckatoos and co*ckatiels possess crests which may be raised or lowered at will.

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Avians, also known as featheries (In the furry fandom), are birds or bird-like characters and/or people who generally identifies with said phenotype. As characters, this includes real birds, anthropomorphic birds, fantasy birds, and bird variants such as gryphons or co*ckatrices.

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Round-headed nightjar with a stout chest. Patterned with a complicated mottling of gray and brown, which provides good camouflage. Note gray line of feathers on the back.

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The large black eyes, small, round bill, and brushy crest gives these birds a quiet but eager expression that matches the way they flit through canopies, hang from twig-ends, and drop in to bird feeders.

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That bird is the titmouse. More formally, we would refer to that perky tuft of feathers on their head as a crest.

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Brown Thrashers are foxy brown birds with heavy, dark streaking on their whitish underparts. The face is gray-brown and the wings show two black-and-white wingbars. They have bright-yellow eyes. Brown Thrashers skulk in shrubby tangles or forage on the ground below dense cover.

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A bird's crest is made up of a slender array of feathers on top of its head. These feathers are a bit longer and can be spiked up or slicked back, depending on what the bird is trying to communicate. Even birds without crests, like crows or sparrows, sometimes puff up their short crown feathers.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.