Empowering Young Minds: 99 Positive Affirmations For Kids (2024)

Leave a Comment/ By Munshur A/ July 31, 2023

Welcome to our guide on “99 Positive Affirmations for Kids,” where we explore the incredible impact of positive affirmations on the growth and development of young minds.

As parents, caregivers, or educators, it is essential to foster a positive environment for children to flourish. Positive affirmations are powerful tools that can instill self-belief, confidence, and resilience in kids, helping them navigate challenges with grace.

Let’s delve into why affirmations are crucial for kids and how you can incorporate them into their daily lives.

Why Affirmations Are Important For Kids

Positive affirmations hold significant value in a child’s life for the following reasons:

  • Building Self-Esteem: Affirmations instill a sense of worth and teach kids to embrace their unique qualities, fostering a healthy self-esteem from an early age.
  • Developing a Positive Mindset: By encouraging positive thinking, affirmations help children focus on solutions, optimism, and gratitude.
  • Enhancing Resilience: Affirmations teach kids to bounce back from setbacks, promoting emotional resilience and mental strength.
  • Encouraging Goal Setting: By affirming their capabilities, children become more willing to set and pursue ambitious goals.
  • Strengthening Parent-Child Bond: Sharing affirmations with kids nurtures trust and open communication, strengthening the parent-child relationship.

The followings are 99 common and uncommon Positive Affirmations for kids:

  1. I am smart and capable: Encourages self-confidence and belief in their abilities.
  2. I can learn anything I put my mind to: Fosters a growth mindset and resilience in learning.
  3. I am kind and compassionate: Promotes empathy and consideration for others.
  4. I am a good friend to others: Emphasizes the importance of friendship and being supportive.
  5. I am loved and valued: Reinforces feelings of being cherished and appreciated.
  6. I am unique and special: Celebrates individuality and uniqueness.
  7. I am brave and can face challenges: Instills courage to overcome obstacles.
  8. I believe in myself: Builds self-esteem and self-reliance.
  9. I am creative and imaginative: Nurtures creativity and innovation.
  10. I am responsible and can be trusted: Encourages accountability and trustworthiness.
  11. I am respectful and treat others with kindness: Promotes good manners and respect for others.
  12. I can express my feelings and thoughts: Encourages emotional intelligence and communication.
  13. I am capable of making good choices: Develops decision-making skills.
  14. I am a good listener: Cultivates active listening and understanding others’ perspectives.
  15. I am patient and can wait my turn: Promotes patience and respect for others’ space.
  16. I am a problem solver: Fosters critical thinking and analytical skills.
  17. I am worthy of love and happiness: Reinforces self-worth and positive emotions.
  18. I am strong, inside and out: Promotes physical and emotional strength.
  19. I am a good helper: Encourages a sense of responsibility and willingness to assist others.
  20. I am honest and tell the truth: Develops integrity and honesty.
  21. I am grateful for what I have: Cultivates appreciation and contentment.
  22. I am responsible for my actions: Encourages accountability for one’s behavior.
  23. I am a good learner and love to explore: Fosters curiosity and a love for learning.
  24. I can ask for help when needed: Promotes seeking assistance when required.
  25. I am deserving of success: Reinforces the idea that they can achieve their goals.
  26. I am a good sport and play fair: Emphasizes sportsmanship and fairness in games.
  27. I can make a difference in the world: Instills a sense of purpose and community engagement.
  28. I am loved for who I am: Reinforces self-acceptance and unconditional love.
  29. I am confident in social situations: Boosts social skills and self-assurance in interactions.
  30. I am open to trying new things: Encourages a willingness to explore and experiment.
  31. I am excited about learning new things: Fosters a positive attitude towards education.
  32. I am good at making friends: Reinforces social skills and approachability.
  33. I am patient with myself as I learn: Cultivates self-compassion and tolerance for mistakes.
  34. I am capable of handling my emotions: Promotes emotional intelligence and self-regulation.
  35. I am a good communicator: Encourages effective expression and listening skills.
  36. I am a responsible pet owner: Promotes care and empathy towards animals.
  37. I am a good leader and can inspire others: Encourages leadership qualities and influence.
  38. I am confident in my abilities to solve problems: Instills problem-solving skills and confidence.
  39. I am good at making others laugh: Celebrates a sense of humor and positive interactions.
  40. I am a good team player: Emphasizes cooperation and collaboration.
  41. I am worthy of respect: Reinforces the idea that everyone deserves respect.
  42. I am a good reader and enjoy books: Cultivates a love for reading and literacy.
  43. I am brave to face my fears: Promotes courage and facing challenges head-on.
  44. I am responsible for taking care of my belongings: Encourages ownership and responsibility.
  45. I am a good citizen and follow rules: Emphasizes civic responsibility and adherence to rules.
  46. I am patient when things don’t go as planned: Cultivates resilience and adaptability.
  47. I am good at expressing my feelings: Encourages emotional intelligence and communication.
  48. I am a good problem solver, even when things are tough: Instills perseverance and resourcefulness.
  49. I am kind to myself and others: Promotes self-compassion and empathy.
  50. I am loved and supported by my family: Reinforces the importance of family bonds.
  51. I am confident when speaking in front of others: Builds public speaking skills and self-assurance.
  52. I am open-minded and respect differences: Fosters acceptance and appreciation of diversity.
  53. I am good at asking questions to learn more: Encourages curiosity and active learning.
  54. I am good at sharing with others: Emphasizes generosity and consideration for others.
  55. I am responsible for taking care of my health: Promotes self-care and healthy habits.
  56. I am a good problem solver and can find creative solutions: Instills resourcefulness and ingenuity.
  57. I am patient with myself as I learn new things: Cultivates self-compassion and learning patience.
  58. I am good at resolving conflicts peacefully: Encourages conflict resolution skills.
  59. I am a good dancer/singer/artist/athlete: Celebrates individual talents and skills.
  60. I am a good listener when others need to talk: Promotes empathy and supportiveness.
  61. I am confident in my abilities to learn and grow: Fosters a growth mindset and self-assurance.
  62. I am responsible for my actions and their consequences: Emphasizes accountability.
  63. I am good at organizing and keeping things tidy: Promotes organizational skills.
  64. I am good at making healthy choices: Cultivates awareness of healthy habits.
  65. I am good at making friends and being inclusive: Encourages social skills and inclusivity.
  66. I am confident in my problem-solving skills: Instills confidence in facing challenges.
  67. I am grateful for my friends and family: Reinforces appreciation for relationships.
  68. I am good at showing empathy to others: Cultivates understanding and compassion.
  69. I am brave to try new activities: Promotes courage in trying new experiences.
  70. I am good at managing my time: Encourages time management skills.
  71. I am confident in my creativity and ideas: Fosters belief in one’s creative potential.
  72. I am good at staying calm when things get tough: Instills emotional resilience.
  73. I am responsible for taking care of my pets: Promotes pet ownership and care.
  74. I am good at thinking before acting: Encourages thoughtfulness and reflection.
  75. I am confident in my ability to make friends: Builds self-assurance in social situations.
  76. I am good at learning from my mistakes: Cultivates a growth mindset and learning from failures.
  77. I am kind to animals and treat them with care: Promotes empathy towards animals.
  78. I am good at resolving conflicts with friends: Encourages conflict resolution skills.
  79. I am responsible for my emotions and actions: Emphasizes self-awareness and responsibility.
  80. I am good at staying focused on my tasks: Cultivates concentration and productivity.
  81. I am confident in my problem-solving abilities: Instills belief in one’s ability to find solutions.
  82. I am grateful for the people in my life: Reinforces gratitude and appreciation.
  83. I am good at showing appreciation for others: Encourages thankfulness and gratitude.
  84. I am responsible for taking care of my environment: Promotes environmental awareness.
  85. I am good at trying my best in everything: Cultivates a positive attitude towards effort.
  86. I am confident in my ability to make decisions: Fosters decision-making skills.
  87. I am good at handling my emotions in challenging situations: Encourages emotional resilience.
  88. I am responsible for taking care of my belongings and toys: Promotes ownership and respect for things.
  89. I am good at being patient with others: Cultivates patience and understanding.
  90. I am confident in my ability to learn new skills: Instills self-assurance in learning.
  91. I am grateful for the opportunities in my life: Reinforces gratitude for opportunities.
  92. I am good at being honest with my friends: Promotes trust and honesty in friendships.
  93. I am responsible for taking care of my plants: Encourages responsibility and care for nature.
  94. I am good at staying organized in my schoolwork: Cultivates study skills and organization.
  95. I am confident in my ability to make the right choices: Fosters decision-making skills.
  96. I am grateful for my teachers and their guidance: Reinforces appreciation for educators.
  97. I am good at being patient when things don’t go my way: Encourages resilience and adaptability.
  98. I am responsible for taking care of my personal hygiene: Promotes self-care and cleanliness.
  99. I am good at showing love and kindness to others: Cultivates empathy and compassion.

How To Use Affirmations For Kids

Incorporating positive affirmations into a child’s routine can be an enjoyable and effective process:

  • Keep Them Simple: Use affirmations with age-appropriate language and keep them short and easy to remember.
  • Make Them Fun: Turn affirmations into a playful activity, incorporating games, songs, or visual aids to engage kids’ imagination.
  • Repeat Regularly: Encourage kids to recite affirmations daily, preferably in the morning or before bedtime.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate the power of positive affirmations by using them yourself and sharing your experiences with your child.
  • Encourage Self-Expression: Allow kids to create their own affirmations based on their interests and aspirations.

By embracing “99 Positive Affirmations for Kids,” you can nurture a confident, optimistic, and resilient mindset in your child.

These affirmations lay the foundation for a bright and positive future, empowering them to embrace challenges, celebrate their successes, and approach life with a sense of wonder and possibility.

Remember, as parents and caregivers, your words hold immense power; using positive affirmations can help shape your child’s journey towards becoming a happy and confident individual.

Start today and watch your child’s spirit soar as they discover the magic of positive affirmations!

Empowering Young Minds: 99 Positive Affirmations For Kids (2024)


What are positive affirmations for kids to start their day? ›

I can focus. I am part of this team. I am capable of great things. I am an important part of this world.

Do positive affirmations work for kids? ›

Positive affirmations can significantly impact your child's mindset and guide them toward self-acceptance and self-love by reinforcing the positive things they see and think about themselves. Teaching this habit to your child can be simple and easy with a helping hand.

What is a powerful affirmation to start the day? ›

I have everything I need to make today a success. I will not give in to negative thoughts. No matter how yesterday went, today is a fresh start. I'm excited to achieve amazing things today.

What is a positive affirmation for the first day of school? ›

I am ready to learn. I am excited to learn something new. Learning is my superpower. I learn from my mistakes.

Can positive affirmations rewire your brain? ›

This may sound too simple; repeating the same sentences won't change anything around you. But research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Affirmations work because of neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to adapt to new situations.

What are the disadvantages of positive affirmations? ›

Positive affirmations won't work if you don't act and put in your best effort. These phrases boost motivation and self-esteem , but you must be the one to follow through. They also might not help if you're experiencing mental health concerns or unhealed trauma.

What age should you start affirmations? ›

Best Ages to Begin Affirmations

By age three, children begin to have brief dialogues with themselves—out loud at first, growing to become internalized self-talk as they age and better understand their brains.

What to put in a positivity jar? ›

This positive jar can include positive words, comments and affirmations that can be looked at time and time again to help children feel positive, especially when they might be feeling low. It will help children remember all the positive things about themselves.

How do you use positive affirmation cards for kids? ›

Making Affirmations a Daily Ritual

It can start with choosing a card each morning, reading it aloud together, and discussing what the affirmation means. This not only reinforces the positive message but also enhances your child's comprehension and critical thinking skills.

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What are 5 positive statements? ›

I am filled with focus. I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams. I am grateful for everything I have in my life. I am independent and self-sufficient.

What are positive affirmations to say each day? ›

I am having a positive and inspiring impact on the people I come into contact with. I am inspiring people through my work. I'm rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid. Today is a phenomenal day.

What are the positive affirmations to start the work day? ›

Affirmations for the first day at work

I have confidence in myself. I am at ease speaking in the presence of coworkers.” “I will ask for help when I encounter problems on the job.” “I am rewarded in multiple ways when I perform my job to the best of my abilities.”

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.