The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR INDIANA SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, 1924 NEWSY PARAGRAFS ALWAYS A GOOD snow mm i Mrs. Charles Ilemmer and baby, here. 20 tatar? Ahlevement si th Carl Lehiffhlet Hcbneek Memorial hospital foi thtir home several New Shirts 8 miles fast of Seymour, this morning. player. piano LAST TIME, TODAY --At 7.00 and ATieW tllav on inurrluffA ftrtfflA.

Attached and Neckband Shirts, in finer Silks. Silk Stripes. t-4 Walter T. James and family are llieTjruests of his sister, Mrs. Ilar-rison Mundy, and 1 C.

8. Trueblood THE PIANO A Vk MTf rr A I5 GRAND PIANO and family. is state fire The new idea hit with a wallop a roar of comedy a. Kale of laughter world of drama. The most delightful end we've haj thia eeaHon a real plot' thl time with an answer you can't afford to mini, and Wonderful showings at $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 Others from I.

0 to $7.50. 8 i fit 7an ts4otinclrlt Canatntcllon inspector of Mississippi. Albert Watson, Clarence Goldsby Wonderful Ties and Leo Pruett, who were sentenced to the fenuleton Reformatory Wed THE PLAYER especially to mi the requirement nd unusual rmmourcmfunemmdf hm piano Th more you Know of other PI Ayen-Piano the qnealer will -b your appreciation In New patterns and Silks, Silk and Wools and Knitted Styles, colors 50c tO $2.50. nesuay nrternoon hy Judge Vox in circuit court at Bedford were-Fri ALL PCX UP IS GIFT BOXES, 8 day morning taken to that institu tion by Sheriff Harry Gordon and cTcbastigfraride, 8 his brother Sam Gordon to start service on their sentences. 8 8 HAW BT Ghlckaring Brotnr "Your.

INspcctkjm invited JK funrn med tm Dr. O. A. DeLong, 'of Alalia, who is in the county hospital at Colum Seymour's Greatest Gift Store for Men and Boys. 8 bus, where he was taken several days ago, Buffering from an attack of hiccoughing, is reported as being in a very serious condition.

The Jcoustiorando SOLD BY Progressive Music Co. hiccoughing, from which he has heen suffering for about a week, has about ceased, it is but he is in RECORDS. AN0 ROLLS MUSIC PIANOS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS P. a very weakened condition. Many children in Seymour and BEBE DANIELS With Norman Kerry, Lee Moran.

Lillian Langdom and Arthur Hoyt. Also Pathe Presents OUR GANG COMEDY entitled "JULY DAYS" Adults 25c. Children 5c-10c. the community have written to Santa Flakes the Best Gift for Xmas Claus in care of the Van de Walle DELIVER your cream direct to a creamery and save the handling charge for An Excellent Present For Christmas Music Radio Co. These letters will be read and answered over radio next Monday night at 8:30 RADIO SETS THAT PLEASE.

Radio outfits that you ran build. Phonographs, Violins, all. kind of Musical Instruments, Pianos. More complete jdock in southern Indiana, o'clock. Messages through the new Starting Monday for 3 Days HAROLD LLOYD in "HOT WATER" broadcasting statipn installed re cently by Mr.

Van de Walle have been clearly heard in a large area. IIAJLLMAB1 SWENGEL DAIRY CO. James uemas, local candy manu A FINK GIFT Narcissus Iiullis And Howls'. Batteries-Phones-Loud Speakers Visit Our Store And Broadcasting Station. facturer and retailer, is shipping Seymour made candy out of the United States.

A few days aero a local man ordered a Jarge'bbx of Mr A Gift of Pearls Always Acceptable; Dcmas' candy sent to a relative in If you want GOOD and fresh Candy in boxes or bulk Come to SPAHTA Seymour's only exclusive Candy Store. JAMES DEMAS 121 North Chestnut Street. VAN DE WALLE Germany as a Christmas present. Mnsir anrl Rarlin The customer-explained that he sent a box last year and the recipient MUSIC BOOKS AND RADIOS PARTS-TUBES ETC. SEYMOUR, INDIANA.

SHEET MUSIC commented upon its splendid quality and said that no more acceptable present could be sent. Mr. Demas is building up a large candy business and has many regular out of town customers. SAMUEL G0MPERS LOSES HIS BATTLE W. BALL DENTIST GAS FOR KXTRACTION rhone Main 658.

PLENTY OF THINGS for Christmas -FRESH AND SMOKED MEATS (Continued' from page 7) Hanco*ck Bldg. SETHOUB. IWD. descent, purchased a plot in Sleepy Hollow. fi As soon as word of Gompera' death reached headquarters, en BRITISH TO KEEP TROOPS Fenton's They are an ldeat Christmas gift Women appreciate tlicin liecaue "iearl adorn" beauty and to give them In a compliment as well as a gift.

We have a complete selection modi-rately priced each In a cift day box. From- $4.50 to (90.00. MemberMp Jir (de Hallmark auociafion of on icwttmr in oir 800 cdin fimi (hit tlor a pur; chatini mlmnlaiie in the liner itwtlry markrli. Tliin ii rtlltcuA lo you in prion Inai cannot ihtfl unlcu iulily wcrilictd-' The J. P.

Hagel Jewelry Co. Btor. No. 1 110 Eait Sixth Street trance of the Federation buildim? Store No. a 332 8.

Chestnut Old Stand. ON RHINE IF FRENCH STAY was shrouded in 1 MOTOR DELIVERY Favor Withdrawal. But Know-That By International News Service. rau Washington, Deo. 13.

One of the Poilus Will Take, Their Place If They Evacuate Cologne. By International News Service. stiffest und- perhaps the bitterest. 101 Horth Cheitnnt Bt. Seymour, Ind.

i Phoae 63. f. tiS.) international fights in history faced London, Dec 13. Whether Great IET, us help you make, your plumbing up to date. It won'cost much but worth 4 lot.

A new modern plumbing: fixture to take the place of that old one you have used for years would add to the appearance of your home as well as the value. BEVINS PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRIC, SHOP Britain is to bring back her army the American Federation of Labor today in selecting a successor to Samuel Gompers with a score or of occupation, from Germany is now oirT or jcwclk abc tiu or rmtHotmm. a question perturbing the British more of candidates ready to fight Cabinet. for the vacancy; The Store Supreme 8 -or- 1 leather loolsl Everybody Recommends "FETJIG" Lureae for Useful Gifts. According to the Treaty of Ver Inder' the Constitution of the sailles, the military, occupation of Federation, Frank Morrison, secretary, automatically succeeds to the Germany should end in January, Flowers for Christmas 1925, provided that Germany has presidency, but he must call a meet satisfied the demands made on her ing of" the executive council within PHONE 165 in regard to both reparations and six days to select a successor who disarmament.

The acceptance of yi tm shall serve until the next conven the Dawes plan has settled the first condition. The second depends on I tion, to be hejd in Atlantic ity next LADIES' HAND B(iS Real leather. New styles lit all colors and shapes, lnolmlinsr the Tudor arm bap $1.73 to $15.00. FITTED SOT CASES A Useful Gift. Fine leather, hand- sewed edis, tilk lined, two pockets, -hfliulsoiiH' fit tines.

fall. the report of "the Inter-Allied Com The council mustmeet as soon as WEATHER REPORT mission, which, alter long' inquiry, to report to the Council of Am possible after Morrison's call. By International News Service. bassadors in Paris. colder to-night Fair and much and Sunday.

It is pretty generally believed Washington, Dec 13. The death Hand Bags Bill Books Kit Bags Purses Gladstone Basis Collar Cases Suit Cases Fined Tin v. Sets Portfolios Writing; Cases Boston Bags Key Omtniiicrs Hat Boxes Wardrobe Trunks Laundry Cases Steamer Trunks Dress Trunks Harness IC Collars ihK Harness Shoes Slipiers Auto Holies Sjiot I.lKhts Flash Lights Dash Ijtmps Horn Buttons Auto Accessories Tires TiiIk-s Vacuum Bottles Vacuum Jugs or bamuel Uompers caused sincere that the French and Belgian delegates on the' Commission re? regret in Washington, where for two 8 8 8 8 8 8 WEATHER CONDITIONS. Report by Riley" Goble, official port against Germany. The British! score years he has yielded an influ representatives are.

expected to re ence seldom possessed by a private PRICES MOST REASONABLE local weather observer, office at the pumping station of the Seymour citizen. port that, on the the Germans have fairly satisfied the requirements of the Treaty in regard Bt'Y LKATHKK (i(Mtl)S AT A LEATHER KTOHE As president the American fed eration of labor since 1882 Gompers has seen administrations come and Water Company. Temperature: Max. 56. Min.

42. Stage of river: 1 foot above low water murk. TOTTED FLOWEUS IOIN'SKTTIAS ItOSElS to disarmament. But this LLyJUgTMASEGQAIAK CIIRISTMAS-CIIEfeltll go but he had managed always to CIIKISTMA3 PEPPERS CARNATIONS, etc. continued occupation of Germany steadily increase the power and prestige of 'organised labor, at the by the Allied forces.

ANNUAL MEETING What line of action will the Bri same time adding to his personal in yg r.tff OF GRANGE HELD Continued from page one) tish, Cabinet then take it probably fluence and his wealth of friend Visitors Welcome at Our Greenhouses We cordially Invite you to come and inspect our assortment of flowers for Christmas. will be decided by the fact that al ships, not only within the member though the British troops occupy ship of his own vast organization, Cologne and the adjacent area, they successful year's business, it was stated, and begins the new year with bright prospects and added interest, due to the prospects of the state but among officials of the government and the other groups with i only do so as part of the combined armies of occupation. This means that if 'the British forces drew out H. H. WINDHORST which he was associated.

convention coming here. Gompers is survived by a widow HEATERS for Closed Cars TT HE temperature of the Interior of your closed car can quickly he made com- immediately, they would be at once, rhone 584. 301 S. Tine Street. and one son, Samuel Gompers.

and automatically, replaced cither) who is chief clerk of the Department by French or Belgians. of Labor. He was twice marrkd. it This would have several effects. His first wife died some years ago.

Officers elected are: 1 Master Everett Overseer Olen Swengel. Lecturer Mrs. Mary Foster. Steward Otis Ruddick. Asistant Steward Volney Carter.

Chaplain Kate Schiller. Treasurer LeRoy Miller. Secretary Fred A. Miller. Gatekeeper J.

P. Ahl. 'IS BRITAIN ADAMANT IN It would be totally against the wishes of the inhabitants; it would convert the Ruhr into a kind of French fortable with one of our Types ''zbttrr-heaters for all cars. We Install them properly. Heaters for, Fords 2.25 Upwards Installed If ITS PAYMENT ATTITUDE island: and it nrobablv would mili- is I uiuiLuie i ui mi tub Pleased With Courteous TOIW Of tate aarainst the carrvincr out of the 4 American Note undecided As Dawes plan.

TO Time For Reply. Consequently, if the French and 7 171 LLIAr.lS GARAGE CeresSarah Sutton. Pomona -Helen Carter. tliA Belgian's decide to continue By International News Service. 5 The Ideal Gift Furniture, is always acceptable because it is a useful, practicabfe Flora Bertha Ruddick.

Lady Assistant Steward Nancy London, Dec. .13 The foreign mnMt likptvtWn Ihiy ttrifisn Chi. voice was unaeeiaeu loaay wneinei decil6 to retain Luckey. troops ii it will reply to the American note iso. me suoject oi war claims or Jt wm be a.

reluctant decision, it- 4i oi.ow vuo mscussion lo resi; uniu because the British Army is now me unanciai conierence in ransioA -o in January. can be spared for service in Ger- SPECIAL ON FIBER ROCKERS 25 Per Cent. Off on all Fiber Rockers for Teji Days. 1 Great Britain is gratified at the JOE M. STEELE The Plumber mtny.

But, on grounds of general i couneous tone or ne note, it was poiicy, it is likely to be decided that said at the foreign Tie militflrv nefpssitipa must. mn'v i r-7 i "-J All Your Needs in Grain and Feeds CLOVER AND GRASS SEED. OTSTER SALT AND TANKAGE. BALE TIES, POSTS AND WIRE FENCING. FERTILIZER.

FJICTS CO-OPERATIVE ELEVATOR CO. Phone Main 94. 1 0 ruia view, nevenneiess, is strong- to political ones. 4 1 i I 1 I er man ever, inai America nas no is is Areola II eating Systems Installed. right to demand payment of war Fine Candies.

claims through the plan. It 5 vniu HPBIMfSFURfflTURESTORE 212-214 South Chestnut Street. a 11 i I DO ii- Vr- at America is to collect- lis war claims mmt in th Wo nronnSrv J' 'v r-l" 5 Estimates Furnished, 108 St. Louis Aye. Phone 583.

fUe uuHcuiuim iiiusi ue inaue. irom candies readr for ma 1 nj. trn ii oci(ucbicicu ueruiau properly, it was barge. sam unouiciauy. p-rft rnnforflnnw-w 1.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


What is Seymour Indiana famous for? ›

The city is noted for its location at the intersection of two major north–south and east–west railroads, which cross each other in the downtown area. The north–south line (the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad) was built in the 1840s and connected Indianapolis to the Ohio River at Jeffersonville.

What is the phone number for the Seymour Tribune? ›

If you have questions about viewing the e-edition through our app or website please contact us at (812) 379-5602 or

Is Seymour Indiana a small town? ›

Seymour, Jackson County, Indiana is the place to live your future! Seymour has a population of approximately 20,000 residents and is served by Mayor Matthew Nicholson, Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas and seven Councilmembers.

What is the oldest street in Indiana? ›

The Historic Michigan Road is one of Indiana's earliest highways, built in the 1830s to connect the Ohio River to Indianapolis to Lake Michigan. You can still drive it from end to end today.

Why is Seymour called Seymour? ›

Seymour, town, central Victoria, Australia, on the Goulburn River. Founded in 1837 and proclaimed a town in 1841, it was named after Edward Adolphus Seymour, 12th duke of Somerset and first lord of the Admiralty.

What is the crime rate in Seymour Indiana? ›

Seymour Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes27383
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.2517.72

What is the smallest city in Indiana? ›

New Amsterdam now officially became the smallest town in Indiana with the population being 12, down from 27 in 2010. Location of New Amsterdam in Harrison County, Indiana.

What is the curfew in Seymour Indiana? ›

It is unlawful for a child younger than fifteen (15) years of age to be in a public place in the county after 11:00 p.m. or before 5:00 a.m. on any day.

What is Seymour known for? ›

Seymour's military heritage is an attraction for the town. Home to Australian Light Horse Memorial Park, and Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Walk the town is the first destination of the Military Heritage Trail. Seymour's history also has close ties with the old Victorian railway network.

Was John Mellencamp born in Seymour Indiana? ›

Born October 7, 1951 in Seymour, Indiana, John Mellencamp fell in love with music at an early age and was gigging in local bars and fronting a soul band by the time he was 14. His professional music career began in earnest in 1976 when MCA Records released his first album, The Chestnut Street Incident.

What is Richard Seymour famous for? ›

Richard Seymour is a writer and broadcaster from Northern Ireland and the author of numerous books about politics including Against Austerity and Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics.

What is Seymour chwast best known for? ›

Seymour Chwast is an American graphic designer known for his diverse body of work, and lasting influence on visual culture. Born in 1931, in New York City, Chwast attended Abraham Lincoln High School, before studying illustration and design at the Cooper Union.

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.