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MChicago, IL
Reviewed Aug. 27, 2023
Hi folks. I'm on my first day of Phentermine. The reason I'm taking this drug is that I've been laid up for about two years after a series of injuries caused a sedentary lifestyle and rapid weight gain. My goal is to take some pressure off of my joints so that I can regain mobility and move my dang body again. Reading through these reviews, I'm seeing a lot of symptoms that I think could be attributed to... not eating. It is straight up dangerous to consume fewer than 1200 calories per day. The goal should never be to not eat, but perhaps to snack less or enjoy smaller meals.
I've crash dieted before, and I can tell you firsthand that if you're not eating, you will end up anemic - this is what may be causing hair loss and exhaustion for some folks. Also consider what you are eating. Consuming not enough fiber can cause constipation, but so can consuming TOO MUCH fiber. I've been there, it's not fun. There's never a need to cut out an entire food group. You need carbohydrates to live (and they help you poop)!
I'm tackling this by making sure I eat a BIG and NUTRITIOUS breakfast before taking my daily dose. I'm planning on having brothy vegetable soups at the ready, because once the drug kicks in other meals may not feel palatable. Smoothies might be another good hack. If you have to count calories to make sure you're consuming enough, do it. Please be careful and try to have a good relationship with food. <3 I'll keep you posted if things go sideways, but I'm hopeful this will help me get where I want to go.
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ChristinePetal, MS
Reviewed Aug. 18, 2023
I have been taking 30mg Phentermine off and on for three months. First month was great results but the no sleep really is hard. I take it at 4 am so I will get some sleep at night. Usually 5 hours max.
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SusanFair Oaks, CA
Reviewed June 26, 2023
I started 37.5 mg Phentermine/Adipex-P 4 weeks ago. I am doing well and wanted to share how I dealt with some of the initial side effects. I drink water - not sparkling - just strait water - at least 64 ounces a day, I use Biotene mouth rinse if my mouth is dry - less so now that I am a month in, I take pre-pro biotics and consume fiber rich foods and/or take fiber daily - I continue to be regular; I don't drink alcohol - tried - but way too intense, I upped my step game to 10,000 steps a day every day, do yoga, swim, garden, etc I think that because of the amount of daily activity I rarely experience insomnia; I focus on nutrition and lean protein - tofu, shrimp, fish plus veggies.
My cravings for carbs has diminished. My BP and RHR have not gone up. I see my Dr. in a few days to assess if I can move forward to month 2. I will weigh in there. My start was 5'4'' 183 pounds and I am a 59 year old woman who put on 25 pounds in the last few years despite a fairly healthy lifestyle and trying everything to get it off! So far... I feel very good about this med!
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AnastasiaSan Diego, CA
Punctuality & Speed
Reviewed Jan. 25, 2023
Phentermine changed my life and allowed me to finally lose weight and keep it off. I tried for years to lose weight and nothing worked. I took Phentermine for longer than the normally prescribed time, about 1 year. I went from 190 lbs to 115 lbs. I've been off Phentermine for 2 years and I am 119 lbs. I started off taking 1/4 of the 37.5mg pill once a day and eventually increased to the full 37.5mg. At first, I had a horrible thirst but that went away after about 2 weeks. It wore off really early in the day for me, so I started taking half the dose in the morning and half in the late afternoon. I had some insomnia but finding the best time to take the medication and adding melatonin at night resolved that. The energy it gave me went away but the appetite suppression never did during that year.
My BPM increased, but my blood pressure did not. It definitely made my stress worse but I didn't have cravings so I turned to physical activity instead of food to manage my stress which I still do today. My doctor warned me that stopping cold turkey caused a pretty big rebound of craving food so my dose was slowly reduced over a couple of months. My advice is to start slow, stop slow, and use the time you have wisely. The best part about it is that it lets you make huge lifestyle changes without cravings that will drag you back into old habits. The food I eat now is completely different from what I ate before taking Phentermine. It has improved my life a lot.
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KrystellaAurora, CO
Reviewed Jan. 7, 2023
I was 50pld overweight and I tried every diet plan and exercised excessively with may e losing 1 yo 2lbs and then comes back. I had enough I went to my MD and they prescribed me Phentermine and I eased myself into it 1/2 pill for 1 week then the full dose. 1 pill day. I began to lose weight by month 3 15 pld I started to feel great, had energy, my self esteem increased. I was able to focus on work and school. I'm 35 so my hormones changed the last 2 yrs. I didn't know that I was only allowed to take for 3 months and my doctor said we can not prescribe anymore. I don't understand. This is working. I'm not a addict and to be cut off with no other substitution is devastating.
Why can't I continue until I meet my weight goals. There is no withdrawal from Being cut off. I had no complication and didn't experience any of the side effects others have had. It depends on your health and body. I would like to continue but the FDA says no more that 12 wks. I recommend this pill. I don't agree with being limited to how long we can take it.
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MarleneMurrieta, CA
Reviewed Nov. 3, 2021
PLEASE DO NOT USE PHENTERMINE. I NEARLY LOST MY LIFE ON THIS MEDICATION. Two years ago (age 30 at the time) I was prescribed Phentermine by a weight loss MD. I was getting blood work done regularly and everything always seemed to be "in the clear". I did not have ANY prior medical conditions and I was about 25 lbs over weight. This Dr. reviewed all my prior medical history and agreed I was a good candidate for Phentermine. While I did lose some weight in the beginning, eventually my body became used to the drug and I was only taking it for the sake of energy/focus that the medicine seemed to give me. All the while I was still seeing the Dr. regularly as I could not get the prescription monthly without lab work. I ignored all the warning signs like fast heart rate, feeling jittery, and insomnia because I was told these were common side effects.
One night, I woke up with EXTREME chest pain, rushed to the ER and went into Cardiac Arrest on the hospital floor. After 30 minutes of CPR, I was able to be revived but I was in critical condition and was in coma for the next 8 days. Dozens of tests were ran and NO HEART CONDITIONS were found. I spent two weeks in ICU and was seen by 3 cardiologists, all of whom said my Cardiac Arrest was caused by the use of Phentermine. They explained how it caused dehydration, stress on the heart, and a deadly arrhythmia. After months of recovery, I sought out NUMEROUS (at least 8) cardiologists for "2nd opinion" all of whom did several tests and told me the SAME EXACT THING - IT WAS THE PHENTERMINE.
No heart conditions could be found after months of vigorous testing, even genetic testing, and multiple procedures to check the tissues of my heart. I am 2 years post recovery and I am still dealing with the anxiety from nearly losing my life. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICATION. DIET AND EXERCISE IS ALL YOU NEED.
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CarlyMoundsville, WV
Reviewed Sept. 28, 2021
Okay. I have done so much research on Phentermine these past few days, and I’m getting a lot of mixed feedback. A lot of people have pretty much no side effects which is obviously great. But I’ve noticed some people are describing some pretty intense side effects that I have experienced thus far. So I’m only on day 3 of Phentermine 37.5 mg—and I am having an awful time. From a weight loss perspective, I’ve already lost 5lbs in just 3 days??! Backstory: I am 25 y/o female and have already lost 100lbs, but I’m starting to plateau. I still have more weight that I need to lose and I also have been taking Topiramate for the past 2ish years.
So day 1: About an hour after taking my first pill, I started feeling it kick in. My head felt euphoric and light. It actually was to the point where I actively avoided driving that day. Also I usually go to bed at 11pm, and I couldn’t fall asleep til 3am. But I woke up at 730am the next day and was wide awake. I didn’t experience any other symptoms but I noticed already a decrease in appetite.
Day 2: I felt hungover when I woke up in the morning. I didn’t know if it was because I needed more water intake or if I didn’t get enough food/nutrients the day before. So I took my second pill and started the day. I still felt yucky all day—a little nauseous, but good enough to eat and drink normally throughout the day. I also started noticing that I was starting to get a little light headed when I would stand up and start walking. That night I had insomnia again. Didn’t fall asleep til about 2am and woke up around 630am. I usually get 8-9 hours of sleep every night. and i got a total of 9 hours of sleep over a span of 2 days.
Day 3- So today is only day 3 but wow I feel like I’ve been on this medicine for a month. I have: 1) that hungover feeling which I’m assuming is the slight nausea, mixed with lack of sleep, mixed with a headache. 2) I started noticing fluttering in my chest and my resting heart rate is higher than what it usually is. Normally it’s in the 60s-70s, but this morning it was in the 90-100 range. It has since come down a bit (high 80s/low 90s) but that is still high for me.
3) This is what I am calling the deal breaker with this medicine. I am having awful light-headedness and dizziness. Every time I stand up and start walking, I get extremely light-headed and have to stop and close my eyes and wait 5 seconds or so for it to pass before I start walking again. It started to scare me so much that I called my Dr. who prescribed me this medication and I was advised to stop taking it right now and in a couple days to try it again but only take half a dose for the foreseeable future.
Honestly, I am most likely going to give up on this medication. Do I love the fact that I am already seeing results with losing weight? Yes. But unfortunately, I am experiencing the majority of the side effects, including the scary ones. Also I think I should mention I have had multiple full cardio work-ups and I have 0 heart conditions. I’m going to assume that taking a half dose will have the same effect on me, just not as intense. If so, I will have no choice but to have to quit this medication for good.
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ToniaCamanche, IA
Punctuality & SpeedStaff
Reviewed Aug. 14, 2021
I had gastic bypass surgery 15 years ago, lost 95lbs. Had kept it off for 14yrs, a few pounds up and down but had always been able to easily lose anything that I gained. I have anaphylaxis and ended up having a reaction to an avocado that sent me to the ER and ultimately on a vent in the ICU. The large quantities of steroids I was given to save my life as well as the steroids I was prescribed after release helped pack on 7 lbs. My PCP told me not to worry, it was normally and it would eventual come off.
Fast forward 5 months to COVID #1, another round of steroids and 5 more pounds. Happy New Year ....and COVID #2 hits. Two rounds of steroids with this one and another 8lbs. So now here I am 20lbs heavier and no matter what I did or how little I ate, I could not drop the weight. Finally as a last effort, I asked my doctor to put me on a diet pill and he prescribed me Phentermine. I knew nothing of it past what he told me. Researched it while I was eating for my vitals to approved and felt that there was nothing that really made me nervous about taking. Take first 37.5 pill and could definitely tell something was coursing through my body, but it wasn't scary or uncomfortable; I was not jittery or nauseous, no racing heart. I slept 2 hours that night and drank 48 ounces of water however.
Day 2, the clarity and focus this pill has given me in my day to day is amazing. Apparently I've had adult ADHD all this time. Other than drinking massive amounts of water to try to satisfy my dry mouth, nothing negative. I replied at 7pm that night, that I hadn't eaten anything beside breakfast 12 hrs earlier. Never felt hungry at all. This was not uncommon for me with my bypass but over the past 5 years, I had started to get a hungry feeling in my stomachs when it was around the normal time I would eat. It was nice to not have that again.
Morning of day 3, decide to step on the scale cause I notice something different, I'm down 3.5lbs. Now before everyone yells water weight, you have to understand how easy it has always been for me to drop weight with my bypass. I could easily drop 2lbs a week without blinking but with all the steroids given to me, something changed. So far I have a positive outlook on the Phentermine. If anything it will reset my mind so I don't get a hungry feeling in my stomach anymore and I will be able to go back to my norm. I just want to wear my clothes again.
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JessicaErie, PA
Reviewed July 17, 2021
I had reached my highest weight. 5'3 ft at 215lbs. I looked like a trolled naked. I was getting rashes and infections under my heavy breasts constantly. I had no energy. I was grumpy. Seemed like I was only happy when I was cooking or baking or eating. I started to feel really depressed and sad. I started drinking. One day I rolled out of bed and said enough is enough. I called my doctor and told her the whole story. She agreed it sounds like my drive was there to change but I didn't a push start and someone to hold me accountable for my weight loss. She referred me to a local medical weight loss program. The physician there made me promise to stick with it. I promised. He prescribed me Phentermine (30mg). I take it daily in the morning on an empty stomach. I immediately started a routine so my body can get used to changes in my eating habits slowly. I start out every morning with protein shake. I drink water a lot throughout the day.
One of the side effects is dry mouth. So water intake does definitely increase. For lunch I usually have a heart healthy wrap and for dinner I have various salads. I sometimes have Graham crackers with strawberry jam for dessert. I've been on it for 1.5 months and have lost 15 pounds so far. I feel better and have a lot of energy now. I will be taken off of it for a month to see how I feel without it. Legally medical professionals have to ween you off like that because it is classified as a narcotic which can be addictive for some people. All in all I'm glad I decided to make the lifestyle change instead of just continuing to ** about my weight and not doing anything about it. I recommend giving it a try if you need that extra push...but always consult your primary care physician first.
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YCharlotte, NC
Reviewed April 28, 2021
I took Phentermine 2 years ago and successfully lost a lot weight. When the pandemic hit, I started to gain a lot of weight. I felt really depressed and I turned to food for comfort and after eating I felt bad and more depressed because of what I ate. I started the habit of going to McDonald’s and eating fast food or take out. I searched for ways to lose weight, working out inside the home and outside since gyms were closed due to the pandemic. Nothing helped. I would give up and gorge on food. Being overweight sucks really bad. My self esteem was so low.
I restarted the phentermine again and I feel awesome. Keep in mind that the only reason why I gained weight after phentermine the first time I took it, was only because I made horrible food choices. This time around, I want to learn to eat healthier and stick to it. I needed this to help me stop the addiction of eating fast food. Side effects; I can’t sleep at night sometimes. Dry mouth and sometimes a headache.
Everyone is different but if you need to change your life, this is it. Take phentermine short term and get in the habit of healthy eating but don’t deprive yourself to cheat days. Work out and live a happier life. Grow new and healthy habits. Work on yourself, try new things in life. Eventually you won’t have phentermine and those habits will stick and you’ll be a happier you! Phentermine got me out of a dark place I was in the whole year of 2020 (covid-19) and if you are in one, try it out but don’t give up too fast. Insomnia and headaches get better and you’ll be happier and happier every single day.
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