12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (2024)

Have you ever seen birds with purple feathers? No, we haven’t either. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. In fact, there is a good chance that there are plenty of birds out there with purple feathers that we don’t know about.

This is because many bird species go largely unnoticed by humans. However, just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. There are more than 10 birds that have purple-colored feathers. Some of these birds are common, while others are quite rare.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss their main characteristics. We will also talk about the different types of feathers they have and what they can tell us about a bird’s health and overall well-being. So without further ado, let’s get started! Birds With Purple Feathers

Though not all birds can boast about their colorful plumage, there are a few species that stand out from the rest with their gorgeous purple feathers.


12 Birds With Purple Feathers

From the tiny vervain Hummingbird to the majestic Blue Jay, these 12 birds with purple feathers are sure to impress with their vibrant hues.

1. Purple Gallinule

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (1)

The Purple Gallinule is one of the beautiful birds with purple feathers that can be found in marshes and wetlands throughout much of the eastern United States. What makes this bird so special is its striking purple feathers, which are a result of its diet of bilberries and other fruits.

The gallinule gets its other common name, “water rail“, from its preference for living near water where it can hunt for food. The scientific name of the Purple Gallinule is Porphyrio martinicus.

They typically weigh around 190 grams and measure about 25 centimeters in length. Their lifespan is usually around 4 years, but they have been known to live up to 8 years. And their wingspan ranges from 40-47 centimeters.

2. Purplish-Backed Jay

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (2)

The purple-backed jays are known for their striking purple feathers, which contrast with their black wings and heads. These birds are generally shy and secretive, but can be quite aggressive when defending their territory. They feed on a variety of insects, fruits, and seeds.

Purple-backed jays make beautiful pets, and are easy to care for. They are intelligent birds that can be taught to mimic human speech.

The scientific name for the Purplish-Backed Jay is Cyanocorax morio. It has a weight of about 105 grams and a length of about 18 cm. Its lifespan is unknown, but it has a wingspan of about 41 cm.

Recommended reading: 11 Bird With Green Feathers

3. Purple-Breasted Cotinga

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (3)

The Purple-breasted Cotinga is a mesmerizing bird found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. It has a mostly black body with striking purple breasts and head feathers. These birds are very social and often form large flocks.

They are monogamous, and the male and female work together to build their nest and care for their young. The purple feathers of this bird play an important role in communication. They are used to attract mates, intimidate rivals, and signal danger to other birds in the flock.

The scientific name for the purple-breast cotinga is Procnias bourcieri. It typically weighs between 113 and 176 grams, and its wingspan ranges from 36 to 41 centimeters. Little is known about its lifespan in the wild, but it is believed to be around six years. Its wingspan is quite short compared to other cotingas.

4. Crowned Woodnymph

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (4)

The Crowned Woodnymph is a colorful passerine bird found in the tropical New World. It is sexually dimorphic, with the male being mostly black with a brilliant purple head and breast, and the female being mostly olive green.

The Crowned Woodnymph is well known for its beautiful purple feathers, which are not found on any other species of bird. These feathers are thought to serve as a signal to potential mates that the bird is healthy and has a good diet.

The scientific name for Crowned Woodnymph is Thalurania colombica. They weigh between 1.5 and 3 ounces, and have a wingspan of 5.9 to 7.5 inches. They live an average of 4 years in the wild, but have been known to live up to 10 years in captivity.

5. Purple Starling

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (5)

The purple starling is native to Southeast Asia and parts of Indonesia. They are beautiful bird, with shiny purple feathers and a long tail. They are usually shy and secretive, preferring to stay hidden in the trees.

They eat insects, fruit, and seeds, and can be found in forested areas, gardens, and farmland. They build their nests high up in trees, where they are safe from predators. The chicks are born with brown feathers, which turn purple over time.

These birds are popular as pets in Southeast Asia, where they are known as “lalat merah” or “red flies”. They make wonderful companions, and their lovely plumage makes them a favorite among bird enthusiasts.

The scientific name for the purple starling is Lamprotornis purpureus. This bird typically weighs between 90 and 120 grams and has a wingspan of between 35 and 41 centimeters. They can live up to 12 years in the wild, but have been known to live as long as 20 years in captivity.

6. Purple Martin

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (6)

The Purple Martin is a migratory bird that has purple-colored feathers. The male birds are distinguished by their purple feathers, which are used to attract a mate. These birds are also known for their aerial acrobatics, as they can often be seen swooping and diving through the air.

Purple Martins prefer to live in colonies, and will often return to the same nesting site year after year. They build their nests out of mud and grass, and the chicks stay in the nest until they are able to fly. These birds eat insects, and can consume up to 1,000 mosquitoes per day.

The scientific name for the purple martin is Progne subis. These birds weigh between 0.5 and 1 oz (14 and 28 grams), and they measure between 6 and 9 in (15 and 23 cm) in length.

Their lifespan is typically 3 to 5 years, though some have been known to live up to 10 years. And their wingspan ranges from 12 to 16 in (30 to 41 cm).

Recommended reading: Blue Jay Feather spiritual meanings

7. Purple Honeycreeper

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (7)

The Purple Honeycreeper is one of the most enchanting birds with purple feathers and is a popular sight for bird watchers traveling through Central and South America. They are very active birds and are always on the move, searching for food. They eat insects and fruit, and love to eat bananas.

They are usually seen in pairs or small groups, and can be quite aggressive when it comes to defending their territory.

The scientific name of the purple honeycreeper is Cyanerpes caeruleus. It weighs between 5 and 8 ounces, is about 7 inches long, and has a wingspan of 10-11 inches. Its lifespan is unknown, but it is believed to be around 5 years.

8. Varied Bunting

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (8)

Most of the body feathers of a varied bunting are purple, but there is significant variation in the amount of purple on different individuals. Some have mostly black feathers, while others have mostly purple feathers. There is also some red coloration on the head and chest, and the wings and tail are brown.

The scientific name of the Varied Bunting is Passerina ciris. The weight and length of this bird is not readily available, but it is generally considered to be a small bird.

The lifespan of the Varied Bunting has not been extensively studied, but is estimated to be around 5 years in the wild. The wingspan of this bird ranges from 9-12 inches.

9. Violet Sabrewing

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (9)

The purple feathers of Violet Sabrewing hummingbirds are caused by the presence of pigments called porphyrins.

These pigments are what give the feathers their dark color. The production of porphyrins is regulated by two enzymes, one that produces them and one that destroys them.

The production enzyme is activated by light, so the more light a Violet Sabrewing hummingbird is exposed to, the more porphyrins will be produced in its feathers. This is why their feathers become darker as they get older. They have more years to produce additional porphyrins.

The scientific name for the Violet Sabrewing is Campylopterus hemileucurus. They weigh between 2 and 3 ounces, are about 5 inches long, and have a wingspan of about 8 inches. They have a lifespan of around 4 years.

10. Purple Grenadier

12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (10)

The purple grenadier has purple feathers because the tips of its feathers are black. The melanin in the black tips absorbs all other colors of light, leaving only blue and violet light to be reflected off the feather. This is why they look purple or blue from a distance.

The scientific name for the purple grenadier is Pseudocheirus peregrinus. It typically weighs around 4.5 kg and has a wingspan of around 1.2 m. Its lifespan is about 7 years in the wild.

Recommended reading: 8 Types of Blue Birds in Washington State

Fun Fact:

The purple finch is a small bird with reddish-purple plumage and purple feathers. The female Purple Finch is mostly brown with streaks of buff, while the male has a more colorful appearance.

The bird gets its name from the Latin word “finch,” which means “to pinch or squeeze.” The Purple Finch is known for its ability to squeeze through tight spaces.

Frequently Asked Questions about Birds With Purple Feathers

While the majority of birds sport feathers that are either shade of brown or green, there are a handful of species that boast brilliantly colored plumage.

From the vibrant purple of the Hyacinth Macaw to the iridescent blue of the Kingfisher, these colorful birds are a delight to behold. Now, let’s discuss some most frequently asked questions about birds with purple feathers.

Why do we see color in the feathers of birds?

The colors of a bird’s feathers come from melanin, which is the same pigment that gives human skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in feathers: eumelanin and pheomelanin.

  • Eumelanin is the most common type of melanin in birds, and it creates black, brown, and gray colors.
  • Pheomelanin is less common than eumelanin, but it creates brighter reds, oranges, and yellows.

Some birds have a mix of both types of melanin in their feathers, which results in a range of different colors.

What colors do birds see?

The colors that birds see may vary depending on the bird species, but generally, birds can see a range of colors that includes blue, green, yellow, and orange. Some birds may also be able to see ultraviolet light.

Why do we see different colors in the feathers of birds?

The colors on a bird’s feathers come from pigment cells that produce melanin. Melanin is a dark brown to the black pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes. The amount of melanin in the pigment cells can vary, which is why some birds have lighter-colored feathers than others.

The color of each feather also depends on the way light shines on it. Some feathers reflect light in such a way that they appear to be different colors depending on the angle from which you look at them.

For example, the tops of some American goldfinches’ feathers look green from one angle but yellow from another angle.

Final Words

Though not as common as other colors, purple feathers can be found on some beautiful birds. These 12 examples are just a tiny selection of the many different species that have at least some purple plumage.

So the next time you are out on a walk in the park, keep your eyes peeled for any birds with purple feathers. Who knows, you might be the first person to ever document their existence.

Interesting articles:

  • 11 Small Birds with Long Beaks
  • Bird With Black And White Striped Head
  • 16 Birds With Yellow Belly
12 Birds With Purple Feathers (with Pictures) (2024)


What type of bird has purple feathers? ›

Birds with purple feathers include the Violet-backed Starling, Purple Starling, Purple Martin, Varied Bunting, Purple Honeycreeper, Purple-Breasted Cotinga, and Violet Sabrewing.

Is there a feather identification app? ›

Feather Gallery offers tools to identify bird species through its feathers by providing high-resolution scans of bird feathers. The app helps you if you are interested in lifting the secret about found feathers of different shapes and colors. Find out which feather belongs to which bird.

How do I identify a bird feather? ›

Barring: Some feathers have a distinctive barring pattern. This pattern can be helpful in identifying the species of bird the feather came from. Spots: Some feathers have spots. The shape, size, and color of the spots can be helpful in identifying the species of bird the feather came from.

What are the big purple birds? ›

Purple Martins are very large, broad-chested swallows. They have stout, slightly hooked bills, short, forked tails, and long, tapered wings.

What is the difference between purple finches and house finches? ›


The difference between these birds becomes clear when you compare the adult males. Purple finches are a deep cranberry or raspberry color on most of their body. Male house finches are more orange and red with the color concentrated on their heads and chests.

What rare bird is purple? ›

Purple Gallinules are remarkable fliers and turn up far out of their normal range, surprisingly often. They've even shown up in Iceland, Switzerland, South Georgia island, the Galápagos, and South Africa.

What is the best free bird identification app? ›

The Audubon Bird Guide is a free and complete field guide to over 800 species of North American birds, right in your pocket. Built for all experience levels, it will help you identify the birds around you, keep track of the birds you've seen, and get outside to find new birds near you.

What does a Cooper's Hawk feather look like? ›

Adults are steely blue-gray above with warm reddish bars on the underparts and thick dark bands on the tail. Juveniles are brown above and crisply streaked with brown on the upper breast, giving them a somewhat hooded look compared with young Sharp-shinned Hawks' more diffuse streaking.

What do osprey feathers look like? ›

Ospreys are brown above and white below, and overall they are whiter than most raptors. From below, the wings are mostly white with a prominent dark patch at the wrists. The head is white with a broad brown stripe through the eye. Juveniles have white spots on the back and buffy shading on the breast.

What is the rarest feather color? ›

It turns out blue is one of the rarest pigments in nature. So, what's going on here? Well, there are two ways you can make a colour. The first is to use a pigment.

What does a sparrow hawk feather look like? ›

Males have grey upper parts with an orange and brown-streaked front and a grey head with an orange-brown face. The females are bigger than the males and have streaked white and dark brown feathers[ii]. Female sparrowhawks can be up to 25% larger than males, which is the biggest size difference in any bird species[iii].

What color is a Hawks feather? ›

Wings are broad and somewhat square at the tips when soaring. Adults have extensively reddish brown underparts. Tail and flight feathers are banded black and white.

What bird has purple feathers? ›

Bright purple feathers drape across the throat of male Costa's Hummingbirds, sticking out wildly to each side, like an overgrown mustache. Males show off their purple colors for females, which are dressed in green with a pale eyebrow and a whitish belly.

What bird looks like a purple finch? ›

Similar SpeciesPine Siskin

Pine Siskins have a thinner bill than Purple Finches with yellow edging on the wings that Purple Finches lack.

What does it mean when you see a purple bird? ›

Purple is also a color commonly connected to wealth and royalty. Long ago, purple dye was rare and expensive, so only the very wealthy could afford purple fabrics. If you see a purple bird, it might be a sign that new wealth is headed your way!

Are purple finches rare? ›

This species is common in the North and East, and along the Pacific seaboard, but it is very rare in much of the Rocky Mountains region. Purple Finches feed up in trees and on the ground in open woods.

Are there any birds that are naturally purple? ›

The short answer is yes, there are a few rare species of birds that display natural purple plumage. Purple is an unusual color in the avian world, but a handful of unique birds have evolved to sport vibrant purple feathers.

Is a purple finch a songbird? ›

Males sing three kinds of songs, all including the rich, slurred warbling characteristic of finch songs. There's the "warbling song," a fast, rising and falling string of 6-23 notes often sung while flocking.

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