BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (2024)

Last updated Apr 28, 2024 at 2:50PM | Published on Feb 15, 2023 | Black Desert Online | 9

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (1)

Black Desert Online has a fun and rewarding world building aspect to create your own node empire. This BDO node guide will help you understand more about how node connections and investments work in game, and how you can expand your own node empire.

What are nodes in BDO?

Nodes are represented by icons on your game map (M) after you have visited a location. Nodes are useful because they allow you to invest your Contribution Points (CP) and Energy to earn special benefits like money, game items, buffs, trade routes, and amity help.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (2)

Node Types

The nodes you can invest in have two types, main and sub nodes.

  • Main Nodes are easily visible on the world map.
  • Sub Nodes are viewed by clicking on the main node icon.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (3)

Main Nodes

In order to see all the main nodes, you must first visit their location to remove the “fog of war”. Sometimes it can be tricky to know exactly where to step to get the icon to appear on the world map. But usually it’s near the the Node Manager. This is where a good node map website comes in handy, like Without a Value Pack, each node is controlled by its Node Manager. You can travel to a Node Manager by right clicking the node icon on your map to create an auto-path, then T to auto-travel.

Node Managers that you have already spoken to can later be auto-pathed to via the NPC button on the top right of the screen. Type “Node Management” into the search of the NPC Finder interface and it will list all the Node Managers you have already spoken to, sorted by region.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (4)

List of Main Nodes:

  1. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (5) Town Nodes: Where every sprawling node empire must have its humble beginnings… Every node you purchase, must be connected to a town or city that has a Work Supervisor (most do). Town and city nodes are usually given for free and provide one free worker (free means no Contribution Point cost). Invest energy into town/city nodes to lower starting interest and favor of NPCs in that city/town. Useful for acquiring amity with those obstinate NPCs!
  2. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (6) Gateway Nodes: these expensive nodes cost too much Contribution Points, but help you connect to more important nodes further away from town.
  3. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (7) Connection Nodes: produce goods or sometimes just help you expand your empire and connect to other resources and cities. Purchase with Contribution Points or level them up with energy to gain an item drop buff for the enemies you kill around the node’s location.
  4. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (8) Dangerous Nodes: Be careful when you visit these as they are usually smack dab in the middle of mayhem. Just like connection nodes, they can offer resources in exchange for CP and an item drop buff for your energy.
  5. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (9) City Nodes: If you see one of these node icons, you’ve landed in the big time baby! Congratulations. 🙂 They are the same as towns in function, but have more lodging for your workers, which you will soon need so you can overthrow the world with your node kingdom.
  6. BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (10) Trading Post Nodes: very similar to connection nodes and usually have Trade Managers with a few housing and production options.

Sub-Nodes (aka Production or Secondary Nodes)

Click on a main location node and it will often have one or more subnodes you can purchase with CP. Subnodes are hidden and some are not visible until you spend energy at the Node Manager.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (11)

Sub-node List:

  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (12)BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (13) Farming/Production Nodes: starting out, you will want the nodes that produce starches/grains, so you can craft beer AFK to replenish the stamina of your workers.
    • Starch/Grain Node List:
      • Corn: Toscani Farm (Velia)
      • Potato: Bartali, Finto, Loggia Farms (Velia)
      • Sweet Potato: Shuri Farm (Tarif)
      • Barely: Northern Wheat Plantation (Calpheon City)
      • Wheat: Costa Farm, Moretti Plantation (Heidel) + Northern Wheat Plantation (Calpheon City)
    • Crafting beer also provides a secondary item you can turn in for more CP! If you find you enjoy cooking, there is great opportunity to purchase more food nodes and earn silver. For example, the grape node outside of Olvia is one of the few fruit nodes. It’s the cheapest and easist. (Delmira Plantation has grapes and there are strawberries atop Valtarra Mountains. Yeowoo Pass and Hanji County in LoML have Wild Berry.) Alejandro Farm, which produces Cooking Honey, is good for Cooking as well.
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (14) Mining Nodes: Most ores are in high demand, often have cheap CP costs, and are used in allot of crafting recipes, like the popular +AP Grunil armors. There are many cheap ore nodes around Velia that also offer a secondary item (crystals/powders) besides ore that are used in Alchemy.
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (15) Timber Nodes: Most timber has high value even unprocessed. Some players, who have high enough processing skill, level their processing and make extra money by buying timber and ore directly from the Marketplace and processing it for resale. Timber usually has good demand at the Marketplace. Boat crafters will love you. Sailing, anyone? 🙂 Note: always check pricing before buying to resell.
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (16) Fish Drying Yard Nodes: dried fish is great for people who enjoy cooking, but don’t like to fish! Works wonderful in making Good Feed for pets. Dried fish stack in the bank and your worker does the drying for you. Just selling the dried fish uncooked isn’t very profitable atm, so Fish Yards are only recommended for people who like to cook. Because of their long work cycles and distance, use goblin workers, who have the highest Workspeed/Movement Speed. I recommend Randis Island, just NW of Port Epheria because it yields Seafood along with fish. It costs only 3 CP for the node chain and you get a free worker.
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (17) Excavation Nodes: these little gems are often tricky, but worthwhile to purchase. For many of them, you have to visit the Node Manager and spend Energy (-35 Energy) to open up a sometimes secret Excavation sub-node. Excavation nodes give Trace of Nature. When used in crafting recipes, Traces have a good return. Use goblins in excavation nodes because of the very long work cycles and distances.
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (18) Investment Bank Nodes: Click on a city/town node to view available bank nodes that you can invest gold bars in and possibly earn interest from. Gold bars are purchased at the Storage Keeper for silver. But you must have a rank 1 residence and that could cost real cash. According to Balzor, a few investment banks pay 125 million silver per month, but only if you plan on spending hundreds trying to outrank the current #1 ranking resident. That means buying the newest/smallest furniture from the Pearl Shop. And newer/smaller furniture with better Interior Points are constantly being added to the shop. View Balzor’s Bank Node Guide
  • BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (19) Specialties Node: Like Investment Bank Nodes, these require you to purchase a residence with CP and obtain a rank 1 house where the specialty is located. Rank 1 requires filling your residence with items that have high Interior Points. (could mean buying furniture with real cash.) Takes six hours to craft one item for free that is worth 6k to 50k at the local Trade Manager.

How Does Node Investment Work?

Node investment occurs at a Node Management NPC, unless you have a Value Pack. If you have a Value Pack buff, you can more conveniently purchase nodes from a distance via the map, but it will cost 10 energy for each investment. Also, you must have visited the node previously. (With no unexplored fog over the map.)

To purchase and invest in a node, you will need 1 to 5 Contribution Points. If that node has any subnodes you want to buy, you will need more CP. Contribution Points are obtained by questing, cooking, and alchemy.

Node Managers have the <Node Management> title above their name. Talk to them (R) and select the Node Management button to activate nodes. (35 energy is sometimes required). This will automatically open a world map. If you do this and haven’t connected the right previous node required, long thin beams of light will shoot down from the sky on your world map showing the closest Node Manager locations that you haven’t connected yet (even if there is still a fog over the area because you haven’t visited).

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (20)

Node Connections

After you have discovered an area and removed the fog over the map, node connections show as thin white lines that curve between the map icons. If you own that connection, it becomes a possible trade route and turns yellow. All your invested node icons are highlighted in yellow as well.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (21)

Nodes have to be connected to each other in a chain from a city or town that has a Work Supervisor.

Usually, the CP cost of nodes increases as you move into higher level territories, but you will also obtain new resources, which are used in higher tier recipes.

If you are investing in a node to collect its resources, you will need 1 lodging per worker and enough storage space for the main resource, but also it’s secondary resources. For example, timber often has a smaller yield of an alchemy ingredient along with the timber.

Contribution Withdrawal (Disconnecting Nodes)

Contribution Points are never spent and lost forever. You can withdraw invested CP by using the world map interface, but withdraw in the reverse order that you invested in. For example, you can not pull CP from a node in the middle of a chain, if it breaks another node’s connection to a Work Supervisor leaving it stranded. Also, subnodes have to be uninvested before the main node’s CP is withdrawn. A Contribution Withdrawal button will appear in the Node Information box, after you click on a node and when there is no worker currently working there.

Contribution Withdrawal Errors Much?
“You Cannot retrieve Contributions Points from the Node while the Worker is working”: These types of errors are common, even though you can see that no worker is currently working on the node you want to withdraw Contribution from! Follow your node network from the node you want to uninvest to see if you are trying to disconnect a node that would leave a currently working worker stranded from his Work Supervisor. One strategy that might help is to filter your worker list by City and see which worker is working on which nodes.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (22)

Node Investment for Item Drop Rate

You can invest energy into a node to increase the item drop rate of rare items from bosses and monsters that are associated with that node.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (23)

How to Invest Energy in a Node

Open the world map (M) and LMB a node. Click “Invest Energy” button.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (24)

Item Drop Rate from Energy Investment of Nodes:

  • Item Drop Rate increases by 0.5% x the investment level.
  • Item Drop Rate increases to 5% at Lv.10.
  • Item Drop Rate increases to 10% at Lv.20.
Node Investment LevelEnergy/LevelTotal Energy

Is Energy Lost When Withdrawing Contribution?

Energy invested in nodes is NOT lost when you withdraw Contribution.

However, nodes that have their CP withdrawn will NOT give the item drop rate buff.

  • You must purchase the node again with CP, in order to have your previous item drop rate buff.
  • The energy invested will still be the same as when you withdrew your CP from the node.

Which Node Do I Invest Energy In?

Some grinding spots have multiple nodes. However, only one node needs to be invested in for each grinding spot.

Monster Zones
NodeApplied monster modifierApplied Monster
Cron Castle[Exiles of Mediah]Rookie Soldier
Senior Soldier
Operation Chief
Forest of PlunderGoblin
Goblin Fighter
Goblin Thrower
Goblin Shaman
Goblin Elite Soldier
Goblin Elite Soldier
Goblin Fighter
Castle Ruins[Al Rhundi Rebels]Infantry
Elite Infantry
Elite Guard
[Elite Al Rhundi Rebels]Vanguard
Elite Infantry
Elite Guard
[Boss]Al Rhundi
Bloody MonasteryCultist
Cultist Warrior
Cultist Shaman
Cultist Giant Warrior
[Consumed by Madness]Cultist
Cultist Warrior
Cultist Shaman
Cultist Giant Warrior
[Violent]Cultist Warrior
[Martyr]Cultist Shaman
[Boss]Muskan of Madness
[Awakened Boss]Muskan of Madness
Northern Plain of SerendiaAltar Imp
Altar Imp Warrior
Altar Imp Scout
Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
Small Altar Imp
[Violent]Strong Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
[Violent Soul]Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
[Unstable Soul]Altar Imp
Altar Imp Warrior
Altar Imp Scout
Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
Small Altar Imp
[Boss]Dastard Bheg
Glish SwampSwamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
Swamp Naga Axeman
Swamp Naga Commander
Rainbow Lizard
[Raid Party]Swamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
[Naga Raiding Party]Swamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
Swamp Naga Axeman
Swamp Naga Commander
Southern SwampFogan Hatchling
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Lookout
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
[Raid Party]Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Lookout
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
[Fogan Raiding Party]Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Warrior
[Violent]Swamp Fogan Warrior
Biraghi DenBandit Raid Captain
Bandit Warrior
Bandit Archer
Bandit Defense Captain
Demibeast Bandit Warrior
Trained Wolf
Giant Bandit
[Bounty Hunter]Bandit Archer
Bandit Defense Captain
Giant Bandit
Orc CampRed Orc
Red Orc Warrior
Red Orc Wizard
Red Orc Elite Soldier
Red Orc Fighter
Red Orc Berserker
Long Red Orc
Firewood Orc
Small Red Orc
Small Red Orc Warrior
Red Orc Prison
[Violent]Red Orc Wizard
[Chief of Flames]Org
Mask Owl’s ForestMask Owl
Mask Owl Warrior
Mask Owl Archer
[Violent]Mask Owl Warrior
Abandoned LandContaminated Man
Contaminated Woman
Contaminated Dwarf
Contaminated Giant
Contaminated Butcher
Contaminated Wizard
Contaminated Witch
Contaminated Dog
Contaminated Black Dog
[Sturdy]Contaminated Butcher
Quint HillTroll
Troll Warrior
Troll Thrower
Troll Shaman
Troll Porter
Ancient Troll
Ancient Troll Warrior
Ancient Troll Thrower
Ancient Troll Shaman
Troll Elite Warrior
Ancient Troll Elite Warrior
Troll Catapult
[Sealed]Troll Shaman
Troll Warrior
Troll Thrower
Troll Porter
Troll Elite Warrior
[Tainted by the Ancient Seal]Ancient Troll
Ancient Troll Warrior
Ancient Troll Thrower
Ancient Troll Shaman
Ancient Troll Elite Warrior
[Violent]Troll Warrior
Bree Tree RuinsRuins Spider
Ancient Ruins Guard
Ancient Ruins Defender
Tiny Ruins Spider
Spotted Deer Possessed by a Black Spirit
Ruins Golem
[Critical]Ruins Golem
Khuruto CaveKhuruto Elite Soldier
Khuruto Soldier
Small Khuruto
Khuruto Fighter
Khuruto Shaman
Khuruto Amulet
Khuruto Wooden Totem
Khuruto Ration Depot
Khuruto Tent
Khuruto Pot
Khuruto Resting Area
Khuruto Prison
[Sentry]Khuruto Elite Soldier
Khuruto Soldier
Small Khuruto
Khuruto Fighter
[Swift]Khuruto Fighter
Karanda RidgeHarpy
Harpy Warrior
Harpy Mage
Small Harpy
Black Harpy Elite
[Violent]Harpy Warrior
Caphras CaveAdventurer Possessed by a Black Spirit
Giant Possessed by a Black Spirit
Witch Possessed by a Black Spirit
[Violent]Giant Possessed by a Black Spirit
Oze PassPetrifying Miner
Petrifying Worker
Petrifying Bomber
Petrifying Dwarf
Petrifying Foreman
Petrifying Berserk Miner
Petrified Miner
Half-petrified Miner
[Sturdy]Petrifying Foreman
Saunil CampSaunil Fighter
Saunil Armored Warrior
Saunil Elder
Saunil Brawler
Saunil Guard
Saunil Warrior
Saunil Archer
Saunil Elite Soldier
Saunil Vanguard
Saunil Immobile Catapult
Saunil Mobile Catapult
Saunil Siege Tower
[Swift]Saunil Commander
[Sharp]Saunil Siege Captain
[Enraged]Saunil Fighter
Saunil Brawler
Saunil Vanguard
Primal Giant PostGiant
Giant Brawler
Giant Combatant
Giant Fighter
Giant Warrior
Giant Brawler
Giant Combatant
[Powerful]Giant Fighter
Marni’s LabOrc Test Subject
Mad Screaming Orc Warrior
Mad Screaming Orc Wizard
Horn Chimera
Mad Screaming Harpy
Mad Screaming Saunil
[Critical]Orc Test Subject
Glutoni CaveSmall Glutoni
Big Glutoni
Cave Flytrap Worm
Medium-sized Glutoni
Mutant Glutoni
Toxic Cave Plant
Treant ForestOld Tree Treant
Treant Spirit
Root Treant
Small Treant
Owl Treant
Twin-Headed Treant
[Violent]Old Tree Treant
Rhutum OutstationRhutum Soldier
Rhutum Fighter
Rhutum Elite Brawler
Rhutum Wizard
Rhutum Archer
Rhutum Elite Warrior
Rhutum Elite Archer
Rhutum Hut
Rhutum Cannon
Rhutum Tower
Rhutum Flag
Rhutum Ration
[Glorious]Rhutum Elite Warrior
Rhutum Elite Archer
Rhutum Elite Brawler
[Energetic]Rhutum Elite Brawler
[Indomitable King]Grand Rhutum Chief
Abandoned MonasteryCalpheon Elite Shadow Knight
Calpheon Elite Shadow Priestess
Calpheon Shadow Knight
Calpheon Shadow Wizard
[Blessed by Kzarka]Calpheon Shadow Knight
Calpheon Shadow Wizard
Calpheon Shadow Guard
Calpheon Elite Shadow Knight
Calpheon Elite Shadow Priestess
[Sturdy]Calpheon Shadow Guard
Catfishman CampCatfishman
Catfishman Fisher
Catfishman Light-armored Warrior
Catfishman Elite Fisher
Otter Fisher
Fat Catfishman
Catfishman Witmirth
[Energetic]Fat Catfishman
Mansha ForestMansha Warrior
Mansha Javelin Thrower
Mansha Trap
[Violent]Mansha Warrior
Marie Cave[Grudge-Bearing]Skeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Wolf
Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Lizard
Hexe SanctuarySkeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Wolf
Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Lizard
Skeleton Witmirth
Hexe Sanctuary Witch Tower
Hexe Sanctuary Shamanic Tree
[Violent]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Howling Dead]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Soul Harvester]Skeleton Witmirth
[Unstable Soul]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Soulless]Skeleton Warrior
[Queen of the Fallen]Hexe Marie
Star’s EndHarbinger of Corruption
Harbinger of Immorality
Apostle of Corruption
Harbinger of Defilement
Apostle of Immorality
Harbinger of Corruption
Harbinger of Immorality
Apostle of Defilement
[Possessed]Apostle of Malevolence
[Sin-filled]Harbinger of Defilement
[Coveting Sin]Apostle of Corruption
Harbinger of Defilement
Apostle of Immorality
Sausan GarrisonSausan Watch
Tough Sausan Soldier
Sausan Scout
Sausan Sniper
Sausan Assassin
Sausan Soldier
Sausan Guardian
Sausan Cannoneer
Sausan Garrison WharfShultz Guard Gladiator
Shultz Guard Sniper
Shultz Guard Armored Soldier
Rumbling LandWilderness Golem
Gravestone Golem
Stone Golem
Manes HideoutSmall Mane
Big Mane
Agile Mane
Giant Mane
Mane Tunnel
Mane Grave
Blinding Stone Grave
Wandering Rogue DenWandering Rogue Elementalist
Wandering Rogue Fighter
Wandering Rogue
Blind Pugnose
Elementalist’s Stone Tower
Wandering Rogue Prison
Wandering Rogue Obsidian Altar
Wandering Rogue Obsidian Altar
Abandoned Iron Mine[Abandoned Iron Mine Barbarian]Rhutum Guard
Rhutum Sheriff
Red Orc Guard
Red Orc Sentinel
Saunil Guard
Saunil Sheriff
Khuruto Executor
Khuruto Sheriff
Khuruto Guard
Rhutum Chief Shaman
Thunder Drummer
Lightning Trumpeter
[Violent Abandoned Iron Mine Barbarian]Troll Work Supervisor
Imp Work Supervisor
Soldiers’ CemeteryFrenzied Skeleton
Frenzied Skeleton Rifleman
Frenzied Skeleton Axeman
Frenzied Skeleton Watchdog
Frenzied Black Sorcerer
Grudged Skeleton
[Violent]Frenzied Skeleton Decurion
Frenzied Skeleton Centurion
Omar Lava CaveFerrid Tio
Ferrid Tuny
Ferrid Tali
[Burning]Ferrid Tio
Elric ShrineElric Layperson
Elric Follower
Elric Cultist
Elric Priest
Elric High Priest
Decayed Swamp Monster
Helms PostHelm Miner
Helm Big Axe
Helm Two-Axe Warrior
Helm Iron Shield
Helm Hammer
Helm Hunter
Helm Big Mace
Helm Small Mace
Helm Angry Hammer
Helm Devourer
Helm Destroyer
Helm Crusher
Helm Raid Captain
[Hard]Helm Golem
Hasrah Cliff[Ancient Weapon]Kamol
[Ancient Sentinel Weapon]Bamole
[Ancient Destruction Weapon]Belloten
[Ancient Extermination Weapon]Laytenn
[Ancient Weapon]Balten
Cadry RuinsCadry Fighter
Cadry Black Mage
Cadry Armored Fighter
Cadry Commander
Cadry Armored Fighter
Cadry Fighter
Cadry Commander
Bashim BaseOhonsey Archer
Ohonsey Elementalist
Khala Elite Combatant
Terruda Infantryman
Terruda Thrower
Terruda Reinforced Infantryman
Terruda Bandsman
Khala Commanding Officer
Khala Reinforced Thrower
Waragon NestStone Worm
Stone Mutant Waragon
Stone Mutant Waragon
[Sturdy]Colossal Stone Waragon
Taphtar PlainCentaurus
Centaurus Hunter
Centaurus Axeman
Centaurus Seeker
Desert Naga TempleDesert Naga Combatant
Desert Naga Combat Monk
Desert Naga Commanding Officer
Gahaz Bandits’ Lair[Gahaz Bandits]Sandstorm Plunderer
Sandstorm Assassin
Sandstorm Elite
Sandstorm Rifleman
[Violent]Shadow of Gahaz
Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Obedience[Ancient Weapon]Kalqueesh
Tukar Balten
Tukar Burmol
Tukar Demol
Crescent Shrine[Argos Saunil]Crescent Watcher
Crescent Follower
Crescent Guardian
Desert Fogan Sentry
Desert Fogan Seer
Desert Fogan Hoppity
Desert Fogan Fighter
Ancado CoastAakman Elite Guardian
Aakman Elite Watcher
Ancient Civilization Priest
Aakman Airbender
Aakman Punisher
Aakman Watcher
Aakman Guardian
Pila Ku JailSordid Deportee
Frenzied Executioner
Iron Fist Warder
Caphras’ Follower
Dark Eyes Warder
Roud Sulfur MineLava Devourer
Lava Fafalun
Lava Tukar
Lava Searcher
Lava Fafalun
Lava Taolun
Navarn SteppeBelladonna Elephant
Feather Wolf
Black Leopard
Baby Belladonna Elephant
King Griffon
Manshaum ForestManshaum Shaman
Manshaum Warrior
Manshaum Great Warrior
Manshaum Hunter
Manshaum Fighter
Mirumok Ruins[Diseased]Mirumok
Old Mirumok
Degraded Old Tree Treant
Degraded Ruins Tree Treant
Loopy Tree ForestFadus Dual Wielder
Fadus Challenger
Fadus Archer
Fadus Shaman
Fadus Warrior
[Powerful]Fadus Warrior Chief
Tooth Fairy ForestForest Ronaros Scout
Forest Ronaros Guardian
Forest Ronaros Catcher
Forest Ronaros Marksman
Polly’s ForestRed Skirt Poison Mushroom
Cloudy Rain Mushroom
Shadow Poison Mushroom
Musk Pocket Mushroom
Snowflake Poison Mushroom
Thief Imp Philum
Gyfin Rhasia TempleGyfin Rhasia Guard
Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
Gyfin Rhasia Flamen
Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Fragment of Denial]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Fragment of Resolve]Gyfin Rhasia Guard
[Fragment of Anger]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Denial]Gyfin Rhasia Flamen
[Resolve]Gyfin Rhasia Guard
[Anger]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Despair]Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Fragment of Despari]Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Ruinous]Butcher of Gyfin Rhasia
Ash ForestVolkras
Sherekhan NecropolisGarud
[Guardian Spirit]Garud
Tshira RuinsTree Hermit
Leaf Keeper
Murky Swamp Caller
Leaf Spider
Grove Keeper
Vine Keeper
Swamp Imp Bronk
Tree Ghost Spider
Blood Wolf SettlementKagtum Executioner
Kagtum Chaser
Kagtum Warden
Kagtum Laborer
Blood Wolf
Kagtum Lookout
Kagtum Raider
[Violent]Frenzied Kagtum
Thornwood ForestAhib Beast Trainer
Ahib Dark Chaser
Ahib Condemner
Ahib Dark Champion
Ahib Dark Mage
[Frenzied]Ahib Dark Chaser
[Frenzied]Ahib Condemner
[Frenzied]Ahib Dark Champion
[Fallen]Dark Knight
[Corrupt Elite]Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden
[Corrupt Elite]Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden
[Possessed]Bloodthirsty Khalk
[Possessed]Khalk of Darkness
Crypt of Resting Thoughts[Abyssal]Ahib Beast Trainer
Ahib Dark Chaser
Ahib Condemner
Ahib Dark Champion
Ahib Dark Mage
Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden
Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden
Shadow Wolf
[Burning One]Raz’nal
[Abyssal]Dark Knight
TunkutaTuro Scout
Turo Pike Warrior
Turo Berserker
Olun’s ValleyBoulder Golem
Rock Golem
Olun’s Golem
Indomitable Golem
Mountain of Eternal Winter
Jade Starlight ForestOkjinsini Winter Keeper
Okjinsini Lamp Keeper
Okjinsini Brazier Keeper
[Dreadwinter Possessed]Okjinsini Winter Keeper
Okjinsini Lamp Keeper
Okjinsini Brazier Keeper
Sherekhan Iron MineIronclad Murraska
[Leader]Ironclad Murraska
[Earth-shaking]Ironclad Murraska
[Violent Leader]Ironclad Murraska
[Queen’s Wings]Murrasto
Great Ocean
Racid Island[Ancient Weapon]Pirash
Weita IslandProtty
Zera Protty
Kaz Protty
Sid Protty
[Parasitic]Sid Protty
[Gnawing]Sid Protty
[Satiating]Sid Protty
[Violent]Zera Protty
[Overlord]Kaz Protty
Kuit Islands[Cox Pirates]Deck Combatant
Deck Elite Combatant
Red Foot Assassin
Cox Elite Gladiator
One-Eyed Outlaw
Captain Khuru
Iron Combatant
Drunk Treasure Hunter
Elite Sentinel
Crazy Jack
Padix Island[Mutant Loah Flower Addict]Megimegi
One-Eyed Outlaw
Captain Khuru
Iron Combatant
Drunk Treasure Hunter
Elite Sentinel
Crazy Jack


Connecting Nodes for Trade Routes

When you connect one node to another node, you have created a trade route.

This allows you to make distance bonus profits from transporting trade goods you have created with workers and processed goods.

The longer the distance you transport trade goods, the bigger your distance bonus.

One fun and profitable way to level up your trade skill, is to fish and sell the fresh fish.

Guide on Trading

Trading Rework: Trade Manager items can no longer be purchased from Trade Managers and trading is currently being reworked. (Source.)

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (26)

How Do I Move Trade Goods?

Trade items are heavy. Place the trade items on a Mule, Horse, Wagon, or Elephant nearby to transport the trade goods.

You can also transport Trade Goods via the Storage Manager’s Transport function. Make sure “Trade Wagon” is selected under “Transportation.” This will cost silver, depending on the distance.

Connected trade routes also make transporting bank items via the Storage Keeper from city to city cheaper.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (27)

Cooking Nodes

Beginner Friendly Nodes:

I recommend the following nodes for those just starting to Cook. These locations are easy to get to on a low level character and will allow you to cook some basic dishes that will level your cooking and feed your workers.

Cooking NodeCooking IngredientWorker’s CityCPItems Per Day
Bartali FarmChicken Meat
Finto FarmChicken Meat
Costa FarmWheatHeidel3830
Moretti PlantationWheatHeidel3812
Bartali FarmPotatoVelia3777
Finto FarmPotatoVelia3762
Loggia FarmPotatoVelia3747
Costa FarmPumpkinHeidel3824
Alejandro FarmCooking HoneyHeidel4810
Toscani FarmCornVelia5726
Toscani FarmCornVelia5726
Alejandro FarmPumpkinHeidel4808
Casta FarmGrapeOlvia2421
Randis IslandDried Saurel
Dried Octopus *Seafood*
Dried Maomao
Dried Bigeye
Port Epheria330

Cooking Node List

The cooking nodes below are listed by highest silver value per CP. I only included a few important fish nodes. There are many fish nodes in the islands surrounding the mainland.

Cooking NodeCooking IngredientWorker’s CityCPItems Per Day
Valencia PlantationDate PalmValencia City31907
Bartali FarmChicken Meat
Finto FarmChicken Meat
Shakatu FarmlandFigShakatu31903
Shakatu FarmlandFigShakatu31894
Bazaar FarmlandNutmegSand Grain Bazaar31903
Erdal FarmDate PalmValencia City51882
Kasula FarmCinnamonTarif41116
Valencia PlantationPistachioValencia City31903
Crescent ShrineDate PalmSand Grain Bazaar81840
Iris CanyonNutmegAncado Inner Harbor51630
Areha Palm ForestCoconutArehaza4268
Areha Palm ForestCoconutArehaza4265
Duvencrune FarmlandCornDuvencrune2621
Duvencrune FarmlandBarleyDuvencrune2623
Shakatu FarmlandStar AniseShakatu31894
Narcion ChickenChicken Meat
Costa FarmWheatHeidel3830
Moretti PlantationWheatHeidel3812
Valencia PlantationFreekehValencia City31903
Erdal FarmPistachioValencia City51894
AakmanFigSand Grain Bazaar91726
Bartali FarmPotatoVelia3777
Bambu ValleyFreekehShakatu42247
Finto FarmPotatoVelia3762
Loggia FarmPotatoVelia3747
CapotiaTeffSand Grain Bazaar22814
Zvier HighlandsCooking HoneyEilton3770
Ahto FarmAloeTarif51063
Gorgo Rock BeltPistachioAltinova82407
Kmach CanyonStar AniseAncado Inner Harbor41676
Costa FarmPumpkinHeidel3824
Marak FarmCornDuvencrune3589
Northern Wheat PlantationWheatCalpheon5930
Northern Wheat PlantationBarleyCalpheon5916
Alejandro FarmCooking HoneyHeidel4810
Marak FarmBarleyDuvencrune3590
Shuri FarmSweet Potato
High-Quality Sweet Potato
Special Sweet Potato
Tori WoodsBrackenEilton8156
Tshira RuinsBrackenDuvencrune6115
Toscani FarmCornVelia5726
Toscani FarmCornVelia5726
Delmira PlantationPotatoO’draxxia4729
Alejandro FarmPumpkinHeidel4808
Gervish MountainsBrackenDuvencrune7113
Casta FarmGrapeOlvia2421
Titium ValleyPistachioArehaza71302
Pujara IslandDried Swordfish
Dried Skipjack
Dried Filefish
Dried Clownfish
Iliya Island213
Wale FarmOliveOlvia2420
Bazaar FarmlandTeffSand Grain Bazaar31907
Maslan’s Yulas Citron OrchardCitronEilton4203
Northern Wheat PlantationPaprikaCalpheon5924
Randis IslandDried Saurel
Dried Octopus *Seafood*
Dried Maomao
Dried Bigeye
Port Epheria330
Altas FarmlandTeffAncado Inner Harbor41936
Altas FarmlandTeffAncado Inner Harbor41932
Mountain of Eternal WinterTranslucent IceEilton79
Delmira PlantationGrapeO’draxxia4396
Fohalam FarmTeffValencia City51886
Fohalam FarmTeffValencia City51869
Viv Foretta HamletStrawberry
High-Quality Strawberry
Old Wisdom Tree5588
Pilgrim’s EndChanterelle
Titium ValleyTeffArehaza71294

Node Investment for Alchemy

Herbs, mushrooms, and traces can be obtained by investing Contribution Points in worker nodes.

TIP: To begin, prioritize Alchemy nodes that give Sunrise Herb and Silver Azalea in Balenos and Serendia.

Alchemy NodeIngredient
Gavinya Coastal Cliff, Valencia
Gervish Mountains, Drieghan
Cron Castle Site, Balenos
Balenos Forest, Balenos
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (28)
Sunrise Herb
Lynch Farm Ruins, Serendia
Northern Plain of Serendia, Serendia
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (29)
Silver Azalea
Karanda Ridge, Calpheon
Longleaf Tree Sentry Post, Calpheon
Ancient Fissure, Mediah
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (30)
Silk Honey Grass
Tshira Ruins, DrieghanBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (31)
Dry Mane Grass
Ehwaz Hill, Balenos
Coastal Cliff, Balenos
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (32)
Fortune Teller Mushroom
Elric Shrine, Mediah
Epheria Valley, Calpheon
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (33)
Sky Mushroom
Glish Swamp, Serendia
Southern Cienaga, Serendia
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (34)
Cloud Mushroom
Glutoni Cave, CalpheonBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (35)
Emperor Mushroom
Ivero Cliff, Valencia (T1 to T3)
Forest Of Plunder, Balenos
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (36)
Arrow Mushroom
Kamasilve Temple, Mediah
Bree Tree Ruins, Calpheon
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (37)
Tiger Mushroom
Marie Cave, CalpheonBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (38)
Ghost Mushroom
Northern Cienaga, SerendiaBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (39)
Dwarf Mushroom
Polly’s Forest, KamasylviaBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (40)
Blue Umbrella Mushroom
Rhua Tree Stub, CalpheonBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (41)
Emperor Mushroom
Weenie Cabin, KamasylviaBDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (42)
Volcanic Umbrella Mushroom

Excavation Nodes for Trace of Nature

Excavation nodes are important, if you enjoy crafting and like to maximize your income potential by creating stuff with workers or your own skills. Excavation nodes produce a bottleneck item for many recipes, which is called Trace of Nature. If you do not plan to craft, then you might want to avoid excavations, as their node chains can be expensive and the work cycles are too long to make good money. However, if you do craft, you can at least double the Trace’s value, if not more. Be sure to check Marketplace prices before attempting any crafting! Game updates and supply/demand can change a recipe’s value.

BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (43)

Many Excavation nodes are hidden and have to be purchased in person at their Node Manager, even with a Value Pack buff on. This often requires you to purchase the main node first with CP, then you will see an option to spend Energy at an NPC. Energy cost is usually 35… don’t be surprised if you pass out from utter exhaustion for speaking so effusively to your sneaky Node Manager. 😉

IMPORTANT: Be sure you have plenty of space in your worker’s storage location! Many Excavation nodes take up to 5 slots because they produce at least two vendor sell items along with Trace of Nature.

The excavation nodes below are listed by best silver value per day at the top, taking their CP chain cost into account.

Excavation Nodes for Trace of NatureWorker’s CityCPTraces Per Day
Lynch Farm Ruins ExcavationHeidel227
Sherekhan Necropolis ExcavationDuvencrune752
Glish Ruins ExcavationGlish527
Fountain of Origin ExcavationDuvencrune952
Bernianto Farm ExcavationCalpheon727
Zvier Highlands ExcavationEilton527
Tooth Fairy Forest ExcavationGrána937
Beombawi Valley ExcavationDalbeol Village26
Haemo Island ExcavationNampo’s Moodle Village26
Rhua Tree Stub ExcavationKeplan726
Ancient Stone Chamber ExcavationVelia827
Ancient Ruins Excavation Site ExcavationTarif827
Mountain of Division ExcavationO’draxxia932
Mansha Forest ExcavationTrent927
Sherekhan Iron Mine ExcavationEilton1226
Dokkebi Forest ExcavationDalbeol Village36
Dokkebi Forest Excavation 2Dalbeol Village36
Golden Pig Cave ExcavationDalbeol Village36
Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Humility ExcavationArehaza1011
Star’s End ExcavationGrána162
Crypt of Resting Thoughts ExcavationOld Wisdom Tree114
BDO Node Investment Guide | GrumpyG (2024)


How does node investment work in BDO? ›

If you invest in a production node, you can send workers to gather resources at the location. From the example above, if you invest in a potato farm node you can obtain potatoes, while investing in a chicken meat production node will yield you chicken meat.

What is the drop rate of node in BDO level 10? ›

At Node Level 10 you get an extra 50% drop rate on 10% of the mobs you kill. While it doesn't sound too high it is something that will add up over time in a game where you spend hundreds of hours grinding.

What are the hidden nodes in BDO? ›

Excavation nodes are hidden nodes at random locations. You must invest CP in the overall node, talk to the Node Manager, and then pay 35 energy to unlock the excavation Node.

How do you increase node level in BDO? ›

Once you have invested in a node, you can click the node again to further invest in it using energy. Each time you invest energy it will cost you 10 energy and will increase the exp of the node. The highest level you can get to is level 20 which requires a total of 20700 energy to get there!

Why it is best to invest in BDO? ›

Benefits to Investors

Our wide selection of BDO UITFs allows you to choose a fund or a combination of funds that is/are well suited to your needs, financial requirements and life goals. With the BDO UITFs, your common investing concerns are addressed.

Can I withdraw my investment in BDO? ›

You can redeem/withdraw your investments and still be in the program. Just visit the branch where your EIP is booked. For your investments with a COP, you need to surrender the COP upon redemption. On the other hand, if you are redeeming participating units of investments without a COP, submit the Notice of Redemption.

How long is the node war in BDO? ›

The Node War will end once all opposing Guild's Holy Artifacts are destroyed or the 2-hour time limit ends. If a Guild's Holy Artifact is destroyed, the Guild will leave the battlefield.

How do you increase drop rate in BDO? ›

Item Collection Increase Scrolls will increase your Item Drop Rate and Item Drop Amount. You can open the UI by going to the ESC Menu > Adventure (F5) > Item Collection Increase Gauge. Click the “+” symbol to add a scroll. Adding scrolls will increase the time you can use the Gauge for.

How to reach level 60 in bdo? ›

You can still grind monsters if that is what you prefer, but questing can be quicker and does not require monster killing, so you don't need gear to get a high level. Leveling via questing is also the fastest way to reach 60 – 61, taking approximately 1 hour.

How many hidden nodes should I have? ›

The number of hidden neurons should be 2/3 the size of the input layer, plus the size of the output layer. The number of hidden neurons should be less than twice the size of the input layer.

What is a black star in BDO? ›

Blackstar gear is an alternative to boss gear. Blackstar Weapons have Extra Monster AP which makes it the best-in-slot for PVE. Whilst Blackstar Armor has Monster Damage Reduction and increased DP compared to boss armor.

What do mysterious seeds do in BDO? ›

Mysterious crop seeds will take up 5 times the normal amount of slots needed when planting in a garden. However the yield is that much greater, so it has the same effect as planting many crops. However, keep in mind that plant breeding will not result in further mysterious crop seeds.

What do you do with nodes in BDO? ›

You can invest energy into nodes to increase the drop rate of the mobs associated with that node. Connecting towns through nodes allows you to send items between them through a transportation system, although that feature is made mostly irrelevant through the Abyssal Storage you unlock through the Magnus questline.

What is the max enhancement level in BDO? ›

They're related to the level of enhancement a piece of equipment (gear) has. Weapons and armor in Black Desert can be (mostly) enhanced a total of 20 levels.

How do you increase node limit? ›

To increase the memory limit for your Node. js application, use the `--max-old-space-size` flag when starting your script. The value following this flag denotes the maximum memory allocation in megabytes.

What is node investment? ›

Node stands as a dedicated, thesis-driven cryptocurrency fund with a strategic focus on long-term investments in seed or A-stage crypto infrastructure and decentralized protocols.

How does node server work? ›

Node. js is a server-side platform that allows you to run JavaScript applications in a run time environment. It includes all the components you need to execute a JavaScript program on a server utilizing the same architecture as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

How does Uitf work in BDO? ›

A UITF is an open-ended pooled trust fund, which means that it allows client to invest or redeem their investments at any time and the UITF will continue to be managed with no predefined termination date. It is the investor who decides how long he wants to keep his funds invested.

How does Node-RED work? ›

Node-RED is a browser-based flow editor where you can add or remove nodes and wire them together in order to make them communicate with each other. In Node-RED, every node is one of the following two types: an inject node or a function node.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.