Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (2024)

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2.Types of Nodes

2.1.Adventure Nodes

2.2.Resource Nodes

3.How to connect Nodes

4.Leveling Up Nodes

5.Nodes Map


Nodes are locations on the map that will unlock once you discover that area for the first time. Nodes can be connected to each other, using Contribution Points. Connecting nodes together is required to make a decent profit from trading, and can unlock the ability to have workers gather resources for you from a node. A node connection is often referred to as a “worker empire”.

You can also invest energy into a node and level it up to give additional bonuses such as an increased item drop rate when killing monsters at that particular node. or higher chances of success when having conversations with the NPCs in that town.

Types of Nodes

There are currently two categories of Nodes. These are Adventure Nodes and Resource Nodes.

  • Adventure nodes have a “Node Manager” NPC which is used to connect nodes together and provide information about the node. You can click the icon of an Adventure node to reveal the housing options there and also view any Resource nodes that may be there.
  • Resource nodes are nodes you can then invest in separately to send your workers to and they will gather the resources at the node.

Adventure Nodes

IconAdventure NodeInformation
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (1)City NodeCity Nodes are locations on the map where there is a city.

Cities always have a storage keeper and a marketplace director NPC, which allows you to access the Central Market Warehouse.
Cities also cost 0 contribution points and are automatically invested into when you discover them.
Cities always have properties you can invest in for things like Player housing, Storage Space, Worker Lodging, and Workshops.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (2)Town NodeThere are two different types of Town Nodes. You have the ones with a blue icon and the ones with a grey icon.

Blue Town Nodes cost 0 contribution points and are automatically invested into when you discover them. They also have a storage keeper.
The only exception to this rule is Northern Wheat Plantation, which costs 2 contribution points and does not have a storage keeper.
Some examples of Blue Town Nodes are Port Epheria, Northern Wheat Plantation, Olvia, Trent, Old Wisdom Tree, Keplan, Glish, Tarif, Sand Grain Bazaar, Muiquinn, Arehaza Town, Shakatu, Illiya Island, Port Ratt, etc.
Towns usually have properties you can invest in for things like Player housing, Storage Space, Worker Lodging, and Workshops.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (3)Town NodeThere are two different types of Town Nodes. You have the ones with a blue icon and the ones with a grey icon.

Unlike Blue Town Nodes, the Grey Town Nodes do cost contribution points to invest in.

Some examples of Grey Town Nodes are Florin, Western Guard Camp, Behr, Tooth Fairy Cabin, Kusha, Abun, Ancado Inner Harbor, and Lema Island

Towns usually have properties you can invest in for things like Player housing, Storage Space, Worker Lodging, and Workshops.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (4)Gateway NodeThese nodes usually cost 3 contribution points to invest in. They have no special use to them other than to help you connect to other nodes further away.
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (5)Trade NodeTrade nodes usually have a Trade Manager in the area.

Trade nodes occasionally have properties you can invest in for things like Player housing, Storage Space, Worker Lodging, and Workshops. Investing in storage space or worker lodging from one of these nodes will increase your storage/workers for the city or town in that region.

Trade nodes can also have Resource nodes (subnodes). Click the Trade Node icon to view any subnodes that it might have.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (6)
Connection Node
Connection nodes are the same as Trade Nodes but do not have a Trade Manager NPC and do not have properties you can invest in. They are simply used to connect to other nodes in the area.

Connection nodes can have Resource nodes (subnodes) though. Click the Connection Node icon to view any subnodes that it might have.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (7)Danger NodeDanger Nodes are the same as Connection nodes but are usually in an area where you can find monsters in the world.

Danger nodes can have Resource nodes (subnodes). Click the Danger Node icon to view any subnodes that it might have.

You can also invest energy into a Danger node to give you an item drop rate increase from the monsters in that area (more info further in the guide).

Resource Nodes

IconResource NodeInformation
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (8)
Gathering and Farming nodes have the same icon.

Gathering nodes can have materials such as Mushrooms, Silk Honey Grass, Fig, Teff, Sunrise Herbs, etc.

Farming nodes can have materials such as Olive, Aloe, Grape, Pumpkin, Wheat, Barley, Potato, Corn, Strawberry, etc.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (9)ProductionThere are not many production nodes in the game.
There is the Cooking Honey Production node at Alejandro Farm, and then the Chicken Meat and Egg Production nodes at FInto Farm and Bartalli Farm,
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (10)LumberingLumbering Nodes can have timber and sap for different types of trees. For example, there is a Lumbering Node at Goblin Cave which gives you Ash Timber. Sometimes you can even obtain planks from them, which is a processed version of timber.

There are also other materials that can be obtained from Lumber Nodes, such as Spirit’s Leaf, Monk’s Branch, Bloody Tree Knot, Red Tree Lump, and Cactus materials.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (11)
Mining Nodes can have ores for different metals.

There are also other materials that can be obtained from Mining Nodes, such as Rough Opal, Rough Crystals, Powder of Flame, Powder of Earth, Mythril, Coal, Powder of Crevice, Powder of Darkness, etc.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (12)ExcavationExcavation Nodes usually cost higher contribution points and can give you different kinds of Traces (Trace of Battle, Trace of Memory, Trace of Earth, etc.). Traces are usually highly desired and are worth a good amount of silver, making many Excavation Nodes a must-have when you are building your worker empire. The Excavation node at Star’s End is also heavily desired because it is the only way to get Mass of Pure Magic, which is an item required for the Black Star Weapons.

You should send Human workers to Excavation nodes because there is only a chance of obtaining Traces, and Humans have the highest luck, meaning more chance of obtaining Traces.

However, Excavation nodes require you to speak to the Node Manager of the Adventure node they are connected to, and usually cost a certain amount of energy to unlock.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (13)Fish Drying YardFish Drying Yard Nodes are only located in the sea. They can be used to obtain different types of dried fish, which is useful for players who do the Cooking life skill.
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (14)SpecialtiesSpecialties Nodes are located on certain Adventure Nodes and require a Rank #1 house in the area to use, meaning it is not available to most players. Specialties Nodes can give you Trade items that you can sell to a Trade Manager for extra profit.
Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (15)Investment BankInvestment Bank Nodes are located on Cities and Town Adventure Nodes. They usually do not cost any contribution points, but require a Rank #1 house in the area to use, meaning it is not available to most players. Investment Bank Nodes require you to invest a certain amount of gold bars, then after 24 hours, you can either receive the same amount of silver back or a higher amount of silver. There are a couple of Investment Banks that aren’t locked behind Rank #1 houses, but these have a lower chance of you obtaining any profit and are not worth investing into.

How to connect Nodes

When connecting nodes you must start from certain Towns or a City you have discovered, then work your way out. Cities and some Towns are automatically invested in already and don’t cost any contribution points. Adventure Nodes that can be connected will have a white line from one to the other. Nodes that are currently connected will have a yellow line joining them together.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (16)

To connect nodesyou must first go to the Node Manager NPC. To find the node manager you can right-click the node icon to set a pathfinder. Once you are at the node manager, speak to him/her and press “Node Management”.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (17)

This will open the map and show any Resource nodes that the adventure node also has. If there are nodes you haven’t discovered that can also be connected to the node you are at, the locations will be shown on the map.

In the top left corner, a window will appear showing all the node information such as the territory and node manager’s name. It will also show the number of contribution points it will cost to invest in the node.

To connect the nodes, click “Invest Contribution”.

If you have a value pack running, you do not need to go to the Node Manager and can simply open the map and left-click a node to open this window and invest in it directly, but this will cost 10 energy per node.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (18)

To cancel the connection between nodes you can open the map at any time, click on the node icon, then click “Withdraw”. If you withdraw Contribution points from a node, the node will no longer be connected but will keep its node level, allowing you to invest and level up multiple nodes as needed for grinding.

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Sometimes you can also get an error when trying to withdraw contribution points from a node. “You Cannot retrieve Contributions Points from the Node while the Worker is working” will show if you have a worker currently at the Resource node. It can also appear though if you have a worker from another town/city that must pass through the connected node. So for example, if you are sending a worker from Velia to Heidel, you must have Velia and Heidel connected in your worker empire and cannot disconnect a node that is linking the two until that worker has stopped working. If you receive the error, you will need to follow your node connections from the node you want to withdraw from and see if there are any workers who must pass through the node.

Leveling Up Nodes

Once you have invested in a node, you can click the node again to further invest in it using energy. Each time you invest energy it will cost you 10 energy and will increase the exp of the node. The highest level you can get to is level 20 which requires a total of 20700 energy to get there!

If the node is a town or city, then leveling up the node will give you an advantage when making conversations (Amity) with NPCs in that particular town.

All other nodes will have their item drop chance increased for the monsters you kill at that particular node. For example, at a level 20 node, you have a 10% item drop increase for all monsters in that area. Unlike most other drop rate buffs, the node investment level can bypass the 300% item drop rate cap.

All of this information can be found by hovering over the question mark (?) next to the level of your node.

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You can also invest energy into nodes without changing characters. Click on the energy investment button, and you will see a list of all your characters and their energy. You can then select a character from the list and invest their energy into the node.

Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (21)

Energy NeededTotal Energy NeededLevel of NodeItem Drop Rate Increase
  • You can level the following nodes to increase the item drop rate for these grind spots:
    • Ancado Coast – Aakman Temple
    • Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Obedience – Hystria Ruins

You can also check the node investment status and benefits in the Monster Zone UI.

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[Click to Show/Hide] Monsters effected by Node Level

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NodeApplied monster modifierApplied Monster
Cron Castle[Exiles of Mediah]Rookie Soldier
Senior Soldier
Operation Chief
Forest of PlunderGoblin
Goblin Fighter
Goblin Thrower
Goblin Shaman
Goblin Elite Soldier
Goblin Elite Soldier
Goblin Fighter
Castle Ruins[Al Rhundi Rebels]Infantry
Elite Infantry
Elite Guard
[Elite Al Rhundi Rebels]Vanguard
Elite Infantry
Elite Guard
[Boss]Al Rhundi
Bloody MonasteryCultist
Cultist Warrior
Cultist Shaman
Cultist Giant Warrior
[Consumed by Madness]Cultist
Cultist Warrior
Cultist Shaman
Cultist Giant Warrior
[Violent]Cultist Warrior
[Martyr]Cultist Shaman
[Boss]Muskan of Madness
[Awakened Boss]Muskan of Madness
Northern Plain of SerendiaAltar Imp
Altar Imp Warrior
Altar Imp Scout
Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
Small Altar Imp
[Violent]Strong Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
[Violent Soul]Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
[Unstable Soul]Altar Imp
Altar Imp Warrior
Altar Imp Scout
Altar Imp Trainer
Altar Imp Fighter
Small Altar Imp
[Boss]Dastard Bheg
Glish SwampSwamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
Swamp Naga Axeman
Swamp Naga Commander
Rainbow Lizard
[Raid Party]Swamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
[Naga Raiding Party]Swamp Naga
Swamp Naga Apprentice Spearman
Swamp Naga Apprentice Axeman
Swamp Naga Axeman
Swamp Naga Commander
Southern SwampFogan Hatchling
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Lookout
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
[Raid Party]Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Lookout
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
[Fogan Raiding Party]Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Guard
Swamp Fogan Fortuneteller
Big Swamp Fogan
Small Swamp Fogan
Swamp Fogan Warrior
[Violent]Swamp Fogan Warrior
Biraghi DenBandit Raid Captain
Bandit Warrior
Bandit Archer
Bandit Defense Captain
Demibeast Bandit Warrior
Trained Wolf
Giant Bandit
[Bounty Hunter]Bandit Archer
Bandit Defense Captain
Giant Bandit
Orc CampRed Orc
Red Orc Warrior
Red Orc Wizard
Red Orc Elite Soldier
Red Orc Fighter
Red Orc Berserker
Long Red Orc
Firewood Orc
Small Red Orc
Small Red Orc Warrior
Red Orc Prison
[Violent]Red Orc Wizard
[Chief of Flames]Org
Mask Owl’s ForestMask Owl
Mask Owl Warrior
Mask Owl Archer
[Violent]Mask Owl Warrior
Abandoned LandContaminated Man
Contaminated Woman
Contaminated Dwarf
Contaminated Giant
Contaminated Butcher
Contaminated Wizard
Contaminated Witch
Contaminated Dog
Contaminated Black Dog
[Sturdy]Contaminated Butcher
Quint HillTroll
Troll Warrior
Troll Thrower
Troll Shaman
Troll Porter
Ancient Troll
Ancient Troll Warrior
Ancient Troll Thrower
Ancient Troll Shaman
Troll Elite Warrior
Ancient Troll Elite Warrior
Troll Catapult
[Sealed]Troll Shaman
Troll Warrior
Troll Thrower
Troll Porter
Troll Elite Warrior
[Tainted by the Ancient Seal]Ancient Troll
Ancient Troll Warrior
Ancient Troll Thrower
Ancient Troll Shaman
Ancient Troll Elite Warrior
[Violent]Troll Warrior
Bree Tree RuinsRuins Spider
Ancient Ruins Guard
Ancient Ruins Defender
Tiny Ruins Spider
Spotted Deer Possessed by a Black Spirit
Ruins Golem
[Critical]Ruins Golem
Khuruto CaveKhuruto Elite Soldier
Khuruto Soldier
Small Khuruto
Khuruto Fighter
Khuruto Shaman
Khuruto Amulet
Khuruto Wooden Totem
Khuruto Ration Depot
Khuruto Tent
Khuruto Pot
Khuruto Resting Area
Khuruto Prison
[Sentry]Khuruto Elite Soldier
Khuruto Soldier
Small Khuruto
Khuruto Fighter
[Swift]Khuruto Fighter
Karanda RidgeHarpy
Harpy Warrior
Harpy Mage
Small Harpy
Black Harpy Elite
[Violent]Harpy Warrior
Caphras CaveAdventurer Possessed by a Black Spirit
Giant Possessed by a Black Spirit
Witch Possessed by a Black Spirit
[Violent]Giant Possessed by a Black Spirit
Oze PassPetrifying Miner
Petrifying Worker
Petrifying Bomber
Petrifying Dwarf
Petrifying Foreman
Petrifying Berserk Miner
Petrified Miner
Half-petrified Miner
[Sturdy]Petrifying Foreman
Saunil CampSaunil Fighter
Saunil Armored Warrior
Saunil Elder
Saunil Brawler
Saunil Guard
Saunil Warrior
Saunil Archer
Saunil Elite Soldier
Saunil Vanguard
Saunil Immobile Catapult
Saunil Mobile Catapult
Saunil Siege Tower
[Swift]Saunil Commander
[Sharp]Saunil Siege Captain
[Enraged]Saunil Fighter
Saunil Brawler
Saunil Vanguard
Primal Giant PostGiant
Giant Brawler
Giant Combatant
Giant Fighter
Giant Warrior
Giant Brawler
Giant Combatant
[Powerful]Giant Fighter
Marni’s LabOrc Test Subject
Mad Screaming Orc Warrior
Mad Screaming Orc Wizard
Horn Chimera
Mad Screaming Harpy
Mad Screaming Saunil
[Critical]Orc Test Subject
Glutoni CaveSmall Glutoni
Big Glutoni
Cave Flytrap Worm
Medium-sized Glutoni
Mutant Glutoni
Toxic Cave Plant
Treant ForestOld Tree Treant
Treant Spirit
Root Treant
Small Treant
Owl Treant
Twin-Headed Treant
[Violent]Old Tree Treant
Rhutum OutstationRhutum Soldier
Rhutum Fighter
Rhutum Elite Brawler
Rhutum Wizard
Rhutum Archer
Rhutum Elite Warrior
Rhutum Elite Archer
Rhutum Hut
Rhutum Cannon
Rhutum Tower
Rhutum Flag
Rhutum Ration
[Glorious]Rhutum Elite Warrior
Rhutum Elite Archer
Rhutum Elite Brawler
[Energetic]Rhutum Elite Brawler
[Indomitable King]Grand Rhutum Chief
Abandoned MonasteryCalpheon Elite Shadow Knight
Calpheon Elite Shadow Priestess
Calpheon Shadow Knight
Calpheon Shadow Wizard
[Blessed by Kzarka]Calpheon Shadow Knight
Calpheon Shadow Wizard
Calpheon Shadow Guard
Calpheon Elite Shadow Knight
Calpheon Elite Shadow Priestess
[Sturdy]Calpheon Shadow Guard
Catfishman CampCatfishman
Catfishman Fisher
Catfishman Light-armored Warrior
Catfishman Elite Fisher
Otter Fisher
Fat Catfishman
Catfishman Witmirth
[Energetic]Fat Catfishman
Mansha ForestMansha Warrior
Mansha Javelin Thrower
Mansha Trap
[Violent]Mansha Warrior
Marie Cave[Grudge-Bearing]Skeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Wolf
Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Lizard
Hexe SanctuarySkeleton
Skeleton Archer
Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Wolf
Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
Skeleton Lizard
Skeleton Witmirth
Hexe Sanctuary Witch Tower
Hexe Sanctuary Shamanic Tree
[Violent]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Howling Dead]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Soul Harvester]Skeleton Witmirth
[Unstable Soul]Green Orc Skeleton Warrior
[Soulless]Skeleton Warrior
[Queen of the Fallen]Hexe Marie
Star’s EndHarbinger of Corruption
Harbinger of Immorality
Apostle of Corruption
Harbinger of Defilement
Apostle of Immorality
Harbinger of Corruption
Harbinger of Immorality
Apostle of Defilement
[Possessed]Apostle of Malevolence
[Sin-filled]Harbinger of Defilement
[Coveting Sin]Apostle of Corruption
Harbinger of Defilement
Apostle of Immorality
Sausan GarrisonSausan Watch
Tough Sausan Soldier
Sausan Scout
Sausan Sniper
Sausan Assassin
Sausan Soldier
Sausan Guardian
Sausan Cannoneer
Sausan Garrison WharfShultz Guard Gladiator
Shultz Guard Sniper
Shultz Guard Armored Soldier
Rumbling LandWilderness Golem
Gravestone Golem
Stone Golem
Manes HideoutSmall Mane
Big Mane
Agile Mane
Giant Mane
Mane Tunnel
Mane Grave
Blinding Stone Grave
Wandering Rogue DenWandering Rogue Elementalist
Wandering Rogue Fighter
Wandering Rogue
Blind Pugnose
Elementalist’s Stone Tower
Wandering Rogue Prison
Wandering Rogue Obsidian Altar
Wandering Rogue Obsidian Altar
Abandoned Iron Mine[Abandoned Iron Mine Barbarian]Rhutum Guard
Rhutum Sheriff
Red Orc Guard
Red Orc Sentinel
Saunil Guard
Saunil Sheriff
Khuruto Executor
Khuruto Sheriff
Khuruto Guard
Rhutum Chief Shaman
Thunder Drummer
Lightning Trumpeter
[Violent Abandoned Iron Mine Barbarian]Troll Work Supervisor
Imp Work Supervisor
Soldiers’ CemeteryFrenzied Skeleton
Frenzied Skeleton Rifleman
Frenzied Skeleton Axeman
Frenzied Skeleton Watchdog
Frenzied Black Sorcerer
Grudged Skeleton
[Violent]Frenzied Skeleton Decurion
Frenzied Skeleton Centurion
Omar Lava CaveFerrid Tio
Ferrid Tuny
Ferrid Tali
[Burning]Ferrid Tio
Elric ShrineElric Layperson
Elric Follower
Elric Cultist
Elric Priest
Elric High Priest
Decayed Swamp Monster
Helms PostHelm Miner
Helm Big Axe
Helm Two-Axe Warrior
Helm Iron Shield
Helm Hammer
Helm Hunter
Helm Big Mace
Helm Small Mace
Helm Angry Hammer
Helm Devourer
Helm Destroyer
Helm Crusher
Helm Raid Captain
[Hard]Helm Golem
Hasrah Cliff[Ancient Weapon]Kamol
[Ancient Sentinel Weapon]Bamole
[Ancient Destruction Weapon]Belloten
[Ancient Extermination Weapon]Laytenn
[Ancient Weapon]Balten
Cadry RuinsCadry Fighter
Cadry Black Mage
Cadry Armored Fighter
Cadry Commander
Cadry Armored Fighter
Cadry Fighter
Cadry Commander
Bashim BaseOhonsey Archer
Ohonsey Elementalist
Khala Elite Combatant
Terruda Infantryman
Terruda Thrower
Terruda Reinforced Infantryman
Terruda Bandsman
Khala Commanding Officer
Khala Reinforced Thrower
Waragon NestStone Worm
Stone Mutant Waragon
Stone Mutant Waragon
[Sturdy]Colossal Stone Waragon
Taphtar PlainCentaurus
Centaurus Hunter
Centaurus Axeman
Centaurus Seeker
Desert Naga TempleDesert Naga Combatant
Desert Naga Combat Monk
Desert Naga Commanding Officer
Gahaz Bandits’ Lair[Gahaz Bandits]Sandstorm Plunderer
Sandstorm Assassin
Sandstorm Elite
Sandstorm Rifleman
[Violent]Shadow of Gahaz
Pilgrim’s Sanctum: Obedience[Ancient Weapon]Kalqueesh
Tukar Balten
Tukar Burmol
Tukar Demol
Crescent Shrine[Argos Saunil]Crescent Watcher
Crescent Follower
Crescent Guardian
Desert Fogan Sentry
Desert Fogan Seer
Desert Fogan Hoppity
Desert Fogan Fighter
Ancado CoastAakman Elite Guardian
Aakman Elite Watcher
Ancient Civilization Priest
Aakman Airbender
Aakman Punisher
Aakman Watcher
Aakman Guardian
Pila Ku JailSordid Deportee
Frenzied Executioner
Iron Fist Warder
Caphras’ Follower
Dark Eyes Warder
Roud Sulfur MineLava Devourer
Lava Fafalun
Lava Tukar
Lava Searcher
Lava Fafalun
Lava Taolun
Navarn SteppeBelladonna Elephant
Feather Wolf
Black Leopard
Baby Belladonna Elephant
King Griffon
Manshaum ForestManshaum Shaman
Manshaum Warrior
Manshaum Great Warrior
Manshaum Hunter
Manshaum Fighter
Mirumok Ruins[Diseased]Mirumok
Old Mirumok
Degraded Old Tree Treant
Degraded Ruins Tree Treant
Loopy Tree ForestFadus Dual Wielder
Fadus Challenger
Fadus Archer
Fadus Shaman
Fadus Warrior
[Powerful]Fadus Warrior Chief
Tooth Fairy ForestForest Ronaros Scout
Forest Ronaros Guardian
Forest Ronaros Catcher
Forest Ronaros Marksman
Polly’s ForestRed Skirt Poison Mushroom
Cloudy Rain Mushroom
Shadow Poison Mushroom
Musk Pocket Mushroom
Snowflake Poison Mushroom
Thief Imp Philum
Gyfin Rhasia TempleGyfin Rhasia Guard
Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
Gyfin Rhasia Flamen
Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Fragment of Denial]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Fragment of Resolve]Gyfin Rhasia Guard
[Fragment of Anger]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Denial]Gyfin Rhasia Flamen
[Resolve]Gyfin Rhasia Guard
[Anger]Gyfin Rhasia Crusher
[Despair]Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Fragment of Despari]Gyfin Rhasia Decimator
[Ruinous]Butcher of Gyfin Rhasia
Ash ForestVolkras
Sherekhan NecropolisGarud
[Guardian Spirit]Garud
Tshira RuinsTree Hermit
Leaf Keeper
Murky Swamp Caller
Leaf Spider
Grove Keeper
Vine Keeper
Swamp Imp Bronk
Tree Ghost Spider
Blood Wolf SettlementKagtum Executioner
Kagtum Chaser
Kagtum Warden
Kagtum Laborer
Blood Wolf
Kagtum Lookout
Kagtum Raider
[Violent]Frenzied Kagtum
Thornwood ForestAhib Beast Trainer
Ahib Dark Chaser
Ahib Condemner
Ahib Dark Champion
Ahib Dark Mage
[Frenzied]Ahib Dark Chaser
[Frenzied]Ahib Condemner
[Frenzied]Ahib Dark Champion
[Fallen]Dark Knight
[Corrupt Elite]Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden
[Corrupt Elite]Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden
[Possessed]Bloodthirsty Khalk
[Possessed]Khalk of Darkness
Crypt of Resting Thoughts[Abyssal]Ahib Beast Trainer
Ahib Dark Chaser
Ahib Condemner
Ahib Dark Champion
Ahib Dark Mage
Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden
Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden
Shadow Wolf
[Burning One]Raz’nal
[Abyssal]Dark Knight
TunkutaTuro Scout
Turo Pike Warrior
Turo Berserker
Olun’s ValleyBoulder Golem
Rock Golem
Olun’s Golem
Indomitable Golem
Mountain of Eternal Winter
Jade Starlight ForestOkjinsini Winter Keeper
Okjinsini Lamp Keeper
Okjinsini Brazier Keeper
[Dreadwinter Possessed]Okjinsini Winter Keeper
Okjinsini Lamp Keeper
Okjinsini Brazier Keeper
Sherekhan Iron MineIronclad Murraska
[Leader]Ironclad Murraska
[Earth-shaking]Ironclad Murraska
[Violent Leader]Ironclad Murraska
[Queen’s Wings]Murrasto
Great Ocean
Racid Island[Ancient Weapon]Pirash
Weita IslandProtty
Zera Protty
Kaz Protty
Sid Protty
[Parasitic]Sid Protty
[Gnawing]Sid Protty
[Satiating]Sid Protty
[Violent]Zera Protty
[Overlord]Kaz Protty
Kuit Islands[Cox Pirates]Deck Combatant
Deck Elite Combatant
Red Foot Assassin
Cox Elite Gladiator
One-Eyed Outlaw
Captain Khuru
Iron Combatant
Drunk Treasure Hunter
Elite Sentinel
Crazy Jack
Padix Island[Mutant Loah Flower Addict]Megimegi
One-Eyed Outlaw
Captain Khuru
Iron Combatant
Drunk Treasure Hunter
Elite Sentinel
Crazy Jack

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Nodes Guide - BDFoundry (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.